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Armed Commandos take control of Villa Juarez, Navolato *Video*

Tuesday, February 21, 2017 23:13
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Original article available at ZETA
Translated by El Wachito
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In another episode of the war between the people of Damaso Lopez Nuñez “El Licenciado”, and the sons of the extradited Leader of the Cartel de Sinaloa, Joaquin Guzman Loera, this Tuesday an armed commando made an incursion into Villa Juarez, Navolato.

Picture available on Instagram

According to government sources of the Security Council, Ivan Archivaldo and his brother Jesus Aldredo Guzman Salazar are trying to take back the control of the region, and two weeks after a strong armed clash, again the cell of Los Chimales broke the climate of tranquility of the small community.

The convoy of sicarios consisted on at least 30 pick up trucks, SUV's and sedan vehicles, and they were driving at fast speeds. They had an X marked in the sides of the vehicles, and according to estimates from the Ministerial Police of the State, there were at least 50 armed gunman at the service of Los Chapitos.

Before the truck was set on fire

According to information given by the local population, the sicarios were able to kidnap at least 4 males, and they were shooting warning shoots to the sky in order to intimidate the locals, who at 6:40AM were heading towards their work and the students were going to their schools.

Once the sicarios took control of the community, they stole a bus of workers over La 50 road, which leads to San Pedro and Villa Juarez, and they proceeded to set it on fire in order to block the entrance to the community.

The armed command circulated freely over the roads of the community, and one of the vehicles had a barret attached to it.

After the armed commando left the community, the elements of the Army, Marines and local police arrived and the school classes were canceled.

This occured 3 days after the Army, Marines and PGR, captured the leader of Los Chimales, Francisco Javier Zazueta Rosales, alias “El Pancho Chimal”, who the PGR accused of planning the ambush against the Mexican military in September 30th, of last year, were 5 soldiers were killed and 11 others were injured.

According to the local PGR, the Chimalis operate under the orders of Ivan Archivaldo, and their mission of to take the control of the Plaza from Los Damaso.

Moments later…

Apparently this vehicle had a stolen report and was used by the convoy

they were later on captured by Mexican Forces


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