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Merkel’s Open-Border Policy Major Backfire! This Is What She’s Giving Migrants in Germany and See What Trey Gowdy Just Did (Videos)

Monday, February 13, 2017 11:02
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(Before It's News)


February 13 2017

It would be very wise to watch what has happened in Germany with the open-border situation! We can NOT allow this to happen to America, no female would be safe nor Christians! We must pay attention to what is going on across the globe with refugees. Our very future depends upon not just our observations, BUT HOW WE RESPOND TO THEM!


From MLordandGod

Merkel’s Open-Border Policy Backfired Big Time See What She’s Giving Migrants in Germany

Rarely has a national policy ever gone this badly wrong.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel won international love from liberals, and even got herself named Time magazine’s person of the year in 2015, for her open-arms policy toward Middle Eastern and North African immigrants, but now the German public is paying for it.

Merkel is setting aside the euro equivalent of about $150 million in taxpayer money to establish a fund that will pay migrants to withdraw their applications for asylum and leave the country voluntarily, according to the U.K. Daily Express.

The plan, “Perspective of Home,” will target immigrants from Iraq, Afghanistan and the Balkans, who have little chance of being granted asylum and have all shown an interest in returning home, the paper reported.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said choosing a voluntary departure represented a better way to leave the country than deportation, according to The U.K. Independent.

The program was launched in an attempt to reduce a backlog of some 400,000 asylum applications created when hundreds of thousands of refugees flooded Germany in 2015. Just over 1 million immigrants have entered the country in the past year, according to The Express.

The Express reported that a survey conducted by Forschungsgruppe Wahlen found 58 percent of Germans see immigrants and assimilation as some of the most important problems the country faces.

That’s understandable considering the rash of attacks migrants have carried out against Germans in general, but women in particular.

This move must be embarrassing for Merkel, but it would appear that she is finally coming around to the fact that immigrants are literally destroying Germany, and something but be done before things get even more out of hand.

If offering those who have very little chance of staying in the country money to leave seems extreme, it is — and it indicates just how much things in Germany have deteriorated.

To admit failure isn’t something liberals do very well, but it’s safe to assume that this program is one way that Germany is attempting to correct the mistake of allowing millions of unvetted migrants into their country.

H/T The U.K. Daily Mail   SOURCE

BREAKING: What Trey Gowdy Just Said Will Get Trump’s Travel Ban Passed ASAP!

Trey Gowdy has never been one to shy away from telling the straight truth and that is why he is so great and refreshing and unlike so many politicians.

Now he has spoken out against the 9th Circuit Court that ruled to block President Trump’s travel ban and what he had to say says everything we have all been thinking and more!

Via World Tribune:

“It seems clear to most of us — not on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — there is no right to come to this country for non-citizens of the United States.It also seems clear judges are neither in a position, practically or jurisprudentially, to second guess national security determinations made by the Commander in Chief. There is a reason we elect the Commander in Chief and do not elect federal judges.”


Trey Gowdy is exactly right! The judges weren’t appointed to question the President’s capacity to act on national security! And his conclusion to the statement was beyond epic!

“For those, like Alexander Hamilton, who once or now wondered if the Judicial Branch would be too weak. Wonder no more.”

The only reason these the ban was blocked because two of the three judges that ruled on it were far left leaning judges that were appointed by Obama or Jimmy Carter.

And people are wondering why they ruled the way they did. The Democrats are just desperate to try and maintain power and this is one of their last chances to.

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