(Before It's News)
Original article available at DEBATE
Translated by El Wachito
Culiacan, Sinaloa.- A strong military operation was register this saturday morning in the capital of the State of Sinaloa, the operation was led by Mexican Marines, and it is believe that Archivaldo Guzman was arrested, son of Joaquin Guzman Loera.
The operation was register in Fraccionamiento La Conquista.
It was informed that 3 helicopters were flying over the city.
Elements of the Marines set up roadblocks and requested the drivers to stop the vehicles in order to conduct searches.
Several residents of the area reported that they were woken up by helicopters flying over their residencies. To this moment the authorities have not yet given any information.
El Debate assisted the area were the military marines conducted the operation and found several bullet caps over the floor.
Julio Cesar Romanillo, security spokesman, express that he does not have information related to the operation because the Mexican Marines didn't request any support from other law enforcement agencies.