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Teacher’s Day – A day for Thanks

Friday, December 30, 2016 23:13
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Teachers are the parents we find outside home. From teaching us basic values to being mentors in every way, they are there for us. So, it is only natural that we try to give something back to them on teachers day, right?

Teacher's Day - A day for Thanks

Hence, we at, have decided to help you out a little bit in this endeavor of yours! We have compiled an amazing list of teacher’s day gifts for teachers on the basis of the subject they teach.

1) Arts teacher: Arts teachers are so cool. Aloof yet emotional. This Doodle Life is Precious Hard Bound Notebook is perfect and purple! Not only will it being out the inner artist in the teacher, it will also reiterate the one motto that most artists live by, live life to the fullest!

Doodle Life Is Precious Hard Bound Notebook - Lavender

2) Maths & Science Teacher: Maths and science teachers are all about the logical side of life. They measure and map everything in clear cut formats using fixed formulae. This Modish numbers wall clock would be a perfect gift for those forever calculating minds.

Modish Numbers Wall Clock - Black And White

3) Social Sciences Teacher: Social sciences teachers often see the best in life around them. This gorgeous bicycle planter will be a perfect gift for them. Would look great on their table top, wouldn’t it?

Bicycle Planter - Blue

4) English Teacher: English teachers are the prim and proper ones. They teach you more than just the language. The English Spy, by Daniel Silva will make for a good read for them word-minds.

The English Spy By Daniel Silva

5) Computers: Computer teachers are the coolest, aren’t they. They are fast and smart and surely deserve a great gift. This multi-purpose wooded laptop table would be a great gift for them!

Multi-Purpose Wooden Laptop Table

Yes, there are many more subjects that are branched out. You can try giving your teacher this Best Guru Ever coffee mug and it will be a great start to their day!

Best Guru Ever Personalized Mug By UC has a great range of gifts that you can choose from for your favorite teachers. Log in and check it out. I’m sure you will love it!


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