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By Sanjeev Sabhlok's Occasional Blog-Liberty (Reporter)
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Money Was a Real thing – but today people salivate like Pavlov’s dog at the sight of mere paper

Sunday, January 1, 2017 20:25
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Coins (hence cash) can only be understood in the context of barter. Imagine that one toaster costs one chicken. I grow chicken, you produce toasters. In that case my “cash” is chicken. I go to you with a chicken and you give me a toaster. In due course of time people started using bits of […]


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Total 1 comment
  • Joy is the only true currency here. You sought joy from the toaster they sought joy from the chicken.
    When there is no joy sought or found then the whole transaction is a fraud.
    We are emotional beings not calculators, please do not forget this.

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