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Debunked: MH370 Philip Wood’s Diego Garcia Photo/Text

Saturday, April 5, 2014 15:22
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(Before It's News)


A photo allegedly posted from Diego Garcia onto the internet by a passenger on missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, Phillip Wood, has been debunked, in case the reader ever believed the cruel hoax to be true.


The photo story was heavily promoted by many, including Jim Stone on Before It’s News. Stone recently revealed the source of the image, saying it was 4Chan. Like Sorcha Faal, 4Chan is noted for disinformation that is often debunked. Predictably, Stone has drummed up more attention by writing pieces calling all skeptics of his story shills.


Reading a hoax or even disinformation is tricky because it holds an element of truth, even up to 95% truth so that the remaining percentage is also believedt. Disinformation, not to be confused with misinformation, is a military weapon of war. Global Research notes a life-or-death importance of knowing the difference between disinformation and truth in its article, In the War on Media Disinformation, the Truth is our Most Valuable Weapon. (See: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.)


Wikipedia says that ”In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one’s position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on a candidate’s vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it distorts true information. Disinformation may include distribution of forged documents and photographs.“ 


Someone anonymously posted on the social media website on March 18 under the title “help.”

“I have been held hostage by unknown military personal after my flight was hijacked (blindfolded),” the poster said. “I work for IBM and I have managed to hide my cellphone in my [expletive] during the hijack. I have been separated from the rest of the passengers and I am in a cell. My name is Philip Wood. I think I have been drugged as well and cannot think clearly.”

Wood was the only American aboard the flight, that vanished after taking off from Kuala Lumpur on March 8. Though en route to Beijing, officials believe the plane was hijacked. No wreckage has been found, despite a widespread search, and Saturday, Chinese Search and Rescue experts reported hearing a pulse identical to a cockpit black box. There were at least two Boeing 777s involved in the international crime.


The phone message and photo story gained much attention, similar to those about the plane’s abduction by aliens. More credible stories included statements by officials pointing to the United States secret base at Diego Garcia, as Stone’s piece does. Diego Gracia, on a coral atoll in the middle of the Indian Ocean, is notorious for its covert operations, including kidnappings, or “rendering.” It is where evidence shows MH370 flew.


Stone says the EXIF data shows a location on Diego Garcia and claims he was hacked within hours of posting the original photo.


Article Title, Clue #1


The original article title “shouts” of being unprofessional at best, Its title asserts or commands the reader to make it go viral, five exclamation marks, and written in capital letters: MUST GO VIRAL!!!!! BLOCKBUSTER: THIS IS ACCURATE AND NOW 100 PERCENT CONFIRMED: HIJACKED IBM ENGINEER SUCCESSFULLY DIALED OUT OF DIEGO GARCIA.


Then, the updated version reads, RUSH UPDATE: The story below is NOW CONFIRMED 100 PERCENT TRUE. “All caps” is acceptable when used for emphasis (for a word or phrase). They have been traditional in military writing and by alphabet personnel, such as Central Intelligence Agency operatives. (See: Why are military messages in all capitals?, in Big Book of, by Ryan Crierie.


“Short strings of words in capital letters appear bolder and “louder” than mixed case,” says Wkipedia, adding that “this is sometimes referred to as ‘shouting.’” On the internet, using all caps is viewed as a breach of “netiquette” – or to put it simply, rude.  (Ilene Strizver (2011). Hub Pages takes this issue further, analyzing the personalities of people who write in all caps, and includes assumptions readers make when sent something entirely capitalized: (Edited for brevity)


People think a message in all caps means the writer is yelling at them. Traditional “all caps” writing means on the Internet you’re doing this to convey a tone similar to yelling. It comes across as threatening, causing people to react negatively out of a defensive posture.


People assume the writer is trying to demand attention. Even if the ALL CAPS piece isn’t considered to be received in a manner similar to yelling, it creates a feeling that the writer really wants attention. Same would be true if the writing were in an odd font, much larger than normal, or a color other than black. This irritates many readers.


People might assume you lack skill with technologyThe standard method of writing online is using combined lower case and capital letters. If you choose not to conform to this, some people reading your writing assume you’re not familiar with standard etiquette of the technology you’re using, or choose to be rude.


People may assume you’re an immature writer. People reading your work might assume you don’t know proper methods of capitalization and so you choose to write in ALL CAPS, damaging to writers as some fail to take your writing content seriously. 


• People might assume that you’re lazy. Another reason some choose to write in all caps is that they can’t be bothered to change back and forth between lower case and capital letters. This can be viewed as lazy.


• People might wonder if you’re trying to be seen as a rebel. This is just one of those issues of non-conformity. When you opt to do things in a way other people do not do them, you draw attention to yourself, some of which will be negative attention from people see no reason to do things differently, especially when those things are offensive, like yelling at them.


The bottom line is a fact that many people will make negative assumptions about you if you write without proper lower case and capitalization.


The veggies (no meat) in article yelled at you


The article claims the MH370 passenger hid his cell phone, sent a message on it with a bag over his head under military watch, and attached a photo of a military facility where he was being held. The entire story is based on a claim that the Exif data “proves” the location of the photo:

Image Exif data: THE SMOKING GUN

The Exif is intact. Exif data gets embedded in every image by every camera and includes the circumstances under which the photo was taken. It can be viewed by saving the image to your desktop, and then right clicking it and selecting image properties. Hit the details tab. You can see that the image was taken on March 18 with an Iphone 5, with the ISO at 3200 and a shutter of 1/15. The coordinates are included in the exif data because the Iphone knows where it is, and the coordinates are for Diego Garcia. THE FIRST TIME A BLANK PHOTO SAID IT ALL.

Since the entire theory is based on the claim that the Exif data “proves” the location, it’s imperative to look at that, and show it’s a hoax, as various posters have. One, however, #9 on Metabunk, demonstrates how Exif data can be easily changed. 


Exif data can be easily changed. Metabunk says that material from the thread reproduced below for reference included:  “It’s nonsense because it’s so easy to fake GPS EXIF data. Here’s the same “photo” with the EXIF moved to the Flamingo hotel in Las Vegas:


Since it’s such a trivial thing to fake, combined with the “ridiculous narrative of smuggling an iPhone 5 up his rectum, and the image being black (iPhone 5 has a flash, the only sensible conclusion is that this is a hoax,” Metabunk says.  The originally posted photo seems to have been “clumsily” faked using the free software “Picasa”, that left an indication in the EXIF data, adds extra “Photoshop” metadata, and stores the GPS data in a different format.


The piece has drawn attention for days, as intended, according to the title writing style in caps. In fact, it brought out some of the worst of the worst, intentionally or not. For example, on March 31, a Before It’s News poster wrote:

“sent to jim stone via email:
no dice.

in a tiny airplane seat, take your pants down and stick a phone up the butt all while under the gun from the hijacker who says no body move, impossible.

the 8″ salami story is irrelevant to the circumstances on the plane.

you have failed.”


To that, CovertKilljoy, replied, “Oh phuleeze. You honestly think the CIA would bother sending people to debunk the piece about a phone being shoved up ones ass? Was the IBM employee a porn star? What saddens me is that you people (me included) have turned away from mainstream because we can supposably discern the truth from lies.”


And to that, WeBeDoomed, replied, “I have totally lost faith in this site. I know I treated many of the stories with scepticism and had a laugh at some of the loons on here, but the complete charisma bypass of most of the users on here fills me with sadness.”


“As much as I’d love to see a conspiracy theory out of this story at this point, posts like this are simple hoaxes at best and could be flat out disinformation posted by nefarious actors who want the conspiracy folks to get all wound up and post stuff that is so easy for them to discredit,” SDCAUSA commented. “REPEAT: EXIF DATA IS EASY TO EDIT. You do not need to be a serious hacker to edit it, IT EASY TO DO WITH FREE TOOLS.”


Despite disfavor among many readers, Mr. Stone continued the phone up the backside story banter to gain over 200K more Before It’s News reader views of another story he wrote to name-call all who debunked his story, “SHILLS.” All this attention, yelling and threatening readers — at the expense of the missing passenger Mr. Phillip Wood and his traumatized wife, living in hope of seeing her husband again — adds to the heartbreak.


Metabunk wrote, “I’m particularly sad about such conspiracy theories because of the effects it has on the relatives – such as told by Philip Woods partner Sarah Bajc here” in, a BBC report about disinformationists working to mislead people of goodwill regarding the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.


 Governments are intentionally misleading us’ on Malaysia plane – BBC News


Email [email protected]  Follow Ms. Dupré on Twitter @DeborahDupre

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Total 63 comments
  • His article was obviously nonsense from the beginning, and the original comments under the article debunked it. Thanks for pointing it out.

    You deserve a better outlet for your quality reporting. The list of top stories, with just a few exceptions, looks like the National Inquirer or other checkout tabloids.

    • Whether or not the information is true, it brought attention to the fact that flight MH370 is sitting in a hanger at Diego Garcia. Congress needs to call for an investigation into what the hell is going on there.

      • LavenderRose

        I feel sad for the family, friends of the people lost on the plane, some say they will never fly again.

      • Guess we have no choice but to go back to the conclusion that the flight was abducted by aliens!

        The BLUE PLANET PROJECT claims these aliens are for real, what do you think?

  • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

    There seems to be a lot of vicious ATTACK on Jim Stone and trying to discredit him completely! That made me more determined to go on I believing Stone’s article beacsue his argument is plausible!

    And even if I think that Philip Woods and his girlfriend were CIA agents (see /economics-and-politics/2014/04/phillip-woods-is-caught-as-a-cia-prop-in-this-photo-more-breaking-news-with-sn-koreas-2463558.html , Phillip Woods Is Caught As A CIA Prop In This Photo! More Breaking News With S&N KOREAS, April 3, 2014), maybe the CIA wants to eliminate him – thus burying the secret of what happened or will happen to MH370 forever!

    But I thought his girlfriend was acting strange – trying just to blame the Malaysian govt.; I was watching the whole video at /survival/2014/04/cnn-shocker-mh370-intact-all-alive-plane-was-followed-by-military-jets-2517336.html , CNN Shocker: MH370 Intact, All Alive, Plane Was Followed By Military Jets, April 4, 2014 – and not once this girlfriend of Woods mention Diego GarCIA, the alleged phone call from Wood at Diego GarCIA and even the PENTAGON claim, about the plane crashing in the Indian Ocean, within the first week of the missing MH370 (and why did Wood not send her the text if it’s true).

    After all, that’s the MO of the most NASTY CIA/White House after all ! See –, Over 20 SEALs Who “Killed Osama Bin Laden” Now Dead, By DNA , June 21, 2013; and at :

    Bloody Bill Clinton – American Caligula

    By wmw_admin on September 1, 2006

    President Clinton may be in his final year of office but he leaves in his wake a trail of allegations that, if true, would rank him alongside some of history’s most notorious criminals. He has been implicated in cocaine use by none other than his younger brother Roger Clinton, himself a convicted drug trafficker. In an Arkansas State Police surveillance audio tape, obtained by freelance journalist Scott Wheeler, Roger Clinton can be heard describing how he smuggled large amounts of cocaine through airports. Most significant were his comments about the then Arkansas State Governor, “Got to get some for my brother; he’s got a nose like a vacuum cleaner.”……

    As a result Clinton has been allowed to get away with murder, almost literally. Yet he is guilty of far more. He has been implicated in rape, sexual assault, mass murder (Waco) and, as we detailed in a previous issue, War crimes in Iraq and the former Yugoslavia. Indeed it is no exaggeration to say that history may well place Bill Clinton alongside the likes of Nero and Caligula. Here then is a list of people who have been connected in some way with Bill Clinton and who have died in rather suspicious circumstances:….

    As reported in the previous issue of the Seeker four members of Delta Force have recently died in training “accidents”. They were Lt Col Anthony A. Boyles and Sgt Eric Ellingson, killed in river “training accidents.” Master Sgt Gaetano Cutino, killed while “exiting” from a helicopter. And Sgt Jamey Dimase killed while participating in marksmanship training. These were the men who had actually gone into the Branch Davidian compound at Waco and carried out the killings of 86 men, women and children. These men were hardened professional killers, yet even they had been disturbed by what they had been ordered to do and actually done. So much so that given immunity from prosecution they had been prepared to come forward and testify. Although Paul Wilcher does not name them in his report these were the very individuals whose testimony could have demolished Clinton’s Presidency……. :!: :!:

    • I’m afraid your arguments aren’t very convincing. The point was the Jim Stone was wrong to claim he was 100 percent sure that the black photo was genuine, and wrong to call skeptics shills. He still hasn’t apologized, probably never will. If one looks at his articles critically, they rely on shady sources, and draw wild conclusions. Dupre speculates as well, but doesn’t keep saying she has final answers,

      • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

        Your moronic ranting is one big JOKE – and wow, what an agressive but pathetic CIA-Disinformation project!! We want to believe in Jim Stone – what’s your problem?! You think your shoddy gang owns the world news – well, take a look; alternative news are alive and well! And it’s so ridicilous for Dupre here to bring out about the Capital letters to debunk Stone’s story – who is she really? We can guess no!

        And by the way, so what if Clinton is no more President – so you think all the murdered people don’t deserve justice; as of during Bush etc? And why the heck do you ignore the story about the murdered Seals – it just happened, within the current rule of the EVIL White House. Because it’s the same evil Zionist-controlled Illuminati monsters ruling the the White House!

        Jim Stone, keep on writing your real FACTS!

    • BIN cut me off in mid-sentence.
      The sources you cite are equally shady. Woods a CIA agent? That article is true yellow journalism, easily faked.
      And Bill Clinton is still president? And all the old stuff about his misdeeds? I think you got carried away in your rant. I understand how that can happen, but it doesn’t help your argument.
      Of course Jim Stone is entitled to his speculation, but he’s been shown to be dead wrong on this issue, and instead of backing off like a good journalist, he has discredited himself with his very unprofessional response. This is characteristic of his writing in general, not just a single instance.
      It sure gets him lots of views, though.

      • DK

        Paul Brown – In reply, in accordance with the European Data retention policy, the site 4Chan has kept a record of the entire posting on its archives for a period of time which would have the original posted jpeg with all its original data – therefore if restored it would settle this affair instantly. :idea:

        I therefore asked them to have it restored by emal:

        Dear Sirs,

        On March 18th 2014 an Anonymous poster wrote a post which was immediately deleted from 4Chan but kept on your internal archives under the EU Data Retention Directive which means you have kept the IP of the user and possibly the entire post. The gentleman concerned claimed to be a passenger held captive at an unknown location the 4pleb archive to the deleted thread is here which because of the nature of the activity could be a redirected DNS to a fake page or a compromised site in America. You may or may not be aware that Phillip Wood is a passenger from the missing plane MH 370 and the original photograph uploaded has either had data inserted by some person or not which would give this persons GPS location at the time he took the picture. Right now in your data archives you may or may not hold the fate of the lives of several hundred people in your hand. Please restore the page and contact Jim Stone who is one of the journalists who is investigating flight MH 370 who’s current mail address is the CC.

        The board has many questions to which you may want to ask me, we have gone through everything relevant in the debate – I am DK /alternative/2014/03/hijacked-ibm-engineer-successfully-dialed-out-of-diego-garcia-2928892.html.

        Thank you for your Time

        CC: ‘[email protected]’ (Jim Freestone)
        sento: ‘[email protected]’; ‘[email protected]
        on Thu 03/04/2014 11:53″

        The reason is self explanitory, however the means to positively identify Phillip Wood as the anonymous person is in 4Chan’s hand, they have not replied or restored the page. :eek: Mainstream TV media is also silent about the sighting of a Malaysian Airlines 777 flying South at 6.15 am local time on March 8th in the Maldives and not a peep about this item. :shock:

        They have been asked to do the right thing, they have not done the right thing, perhaps you sir should be asking them why. :roll:

      • DK – 4chan is american. they are not governed by any eu crap. they will not answer you – why because the whole thing is so stupid they would not want to get into any kind of pointless dialogue

      • DK

        Hi Arti, err no It’s IP and Domain Name are listed to servers in Switzerland beleive it or not therefore comes under EU Juristiction in as much as the Swiss administer it under treaty. 4Plebs is in Washington state USA, the actual owners may be in the US such is the online world.

      • DK – Switzerland is not an EU member. It is not bound by EU laws at any level. Besides that all info on 4chan points to th eUS for hosting

      • DK

        @ArtI It does today, they moved the host to southern mexico at some time during the last 3 days.

      • DK

        @ArtI: I also forgot to mention Switzerland has the DPA an equivalent to the European Data Directive( see personal data.), the EU comission does not directly govern Switzerland – any state within the EU as to create its own laws to comply with directives.

        Switzerland is however bound to EU directives by its dependency on the EU and does comply with ALL CURRENT EU LAWS as they stand, it is an ETFA member and with bilateral agreements a European Economic Area member as well( by which sense Switzeralnd pays into the EU budget, but has the right to end the relationship at any time not being an EU member(EUROPA country) and with the crevat that under its own democratic system the people have the right to cancel the treaties.

      • Sarah Bajc, girlfriend of Malaysian Flight 370 passenger Philip Wood, claimed on CNN she was told about eye witness reports that MH370 was seen “accompanied by fighter planes” before its ‘disappearance’.


        Mr. Wood is NOT a CIA agent, he is want the CIA would call an ‘asset’, and his GF, is a MOSSAD agent that recruited him, they needed a computer expert onboard to get the information from the FREESCALE TEAM to access the servers to secure the KL-02 files. They had an 8 hour window, once the TEAM was reported ‘missing’ then FREESCALE would have locked down worldwide servers.

  • Dupre disappoints in a major way here, because she fails to respond to the many logical points presented by Jim Stone, in addition to the Exif data controversy, which he himself has taken great pains to analyze, both pro and con. She also contradicts herself by first stating Stone said his source was 4Chan; then 6 full paragraphs later, she writes: “Stone claimed to have posted the original photo before it was on 4Chan. He says the EXIF data shows a location on Diego Garcia and claims he was hacked within hours of posting the original photo.” So which is it? Dupre tries to shoot the Jim-Stone-messenger with a lengthy psychological analysis of writing in capital letters. I want facts, not arguments about typing. I also notice that this article has different fonts all over the place, which indicates excessive cutting and pasting. Is the appearance of the typefaces relevant? Who cares?! There’s plenty of dirt on all kinds of writers available, including on Dupre. But again – Who cares?! The saga of Flight MH370 is exposing many things and the corruption of many people and many governments to the light of day. Now I read that today’s last-minute search for the famous ‘pings’ is pure nonsense, because the batteries in the black boxes were already dead, as they had never been replaced as scheduled back in 2012. Personalities don’t matter to me, nor rivalries, nor slander. Too bad we are not all on the same team. Link re dead batteries, as follows: “On Friday, Dukane Seacom Inc president Anish Patel told CNN that the recorders were scheduled for battery replacements in 2012, but they were never returned for the overhaul.”

    • Very interesting link on the dead batteries. Thank you.
      I think you were distracted by the section on capital letters. Dupre didn’t contradict herself, Stone did: first Stone claimed he posted it before 4Chan; he later changed his story and reversed the sequence.
      His later article doesn’t really present pros and cons, he very demeaningly describes “shills’” legitimate criticisms of his claim the photo couldn’t be faked and presents arguments why he must be right in his speculation, which is far from the 100 PERCENT SURE FACT HE SHOUTED ABOUT, END OF STORY.
      Pardon my capital letters, based on his. Obnoxious, aren’t they?
      Thank you for reading Dupre’s articles. She speculates a lot, but she never claims her speculations are fact, and she corrects her errors graciously. She has presented more hard data on this story than any other reporter I know of.

      • DK

        The only problem with the Jim story is that it is not actually ‘his’ and the so called 4Plebs archive of the original had only 20 minutes of the thread which would have run to at least around Midday in Bern from its 1.22 am start, it is therefore an edited archive and not evidence(It is not a copy), you can believe the original jpgs are on 4Plebs if you want too, that is up to you. I know 4Chan still has the originals(European Data Retention Directive) and like all other BBS does not have 24-7-365 staff to monitor and scrub its message boards which is why it lists itself as uncensored chat, the message boards time out and self delete over several days which is why 4Plebs came into being.

        As for the tone of the article, this one is not much better and it misses the point, you must debunk with evidence not arguement, arguement is proceedure and politics and Jim Stone has already admitted he does not have the original jpg, the one he had was from the 4plebs archive after 4Chan had deleted the thread – the evidence is on the incremental backups of 4Chans servers.

    • dislike of CAPS,

      and the fact that any fool can make EXIF data

      Is not proof this story is not true, … only a MORON could buy into these arguments.

      This story is certainly true, you have to ask, why did he still have his phone after 10 days, why was he alone still alive, the only answer is that he was team.
      Me thinks he went nuts when he found out those other 250 aboard were murdered, … it probably never occurred to him how US Navy Seals do business.

      Dead Men Tell No Tales, that statement is older than the US navy, … no doubt that WOOD is now shark- bait

      • randy

        I know my comment is long past original post, but the world is not over this mystery, in fact many, like myself are just waking up to what are the possible implications (also of other ‘incidents’ similar in nature and relative timing) now that enough time has passed where certain more natural causes are now being officially ruled out. Anyway, what I wanted to say is, I agree with your logic…. just because it CAN be ‘debunked’ or proven that it *could* have been staged, doesn’t mean it was, so long as there is compelling enough circumstantial reasoning for it to be real in the first place, which there definitely is. Not to mention all the effort just to debunk it and to support the debunkER does raise an eyebrow. when you consider how random of a thing it is. Granted, author could just be looking for eyeballs, simple as that, and if so, hope its worth it. But if thats not the case, my question to u fellow-commenter, is, if sb is mossad, why did she bring attn to ‘fighter planes accompanying.’ comment? Wouldn’t that be progressing the wrong agenda for team (which she would be part of)? Also, I wondered why you think he knew the other passengers were dead, my initial reading just made me think he thought he was separated from them, I guess you are assuming for certain he was team. (and doesn’t this story still have validity even if he wasn’t team,btw?) In any case, I found your thoughts and logic compelling.

  • de·bunk
    to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated: to debunk advertising slogans.

    I found it really odd that Dupre puts such emphasis on the definition of disinformation, when the headline of the article is in itself disinformation. The points that are made in this article I don’t have the technological know-how to verify myself, but the nature of the arguments simply suggests that it’s possible that the Phillip Wood photo from Diego Garcia was a hoax.

    There’s a big difference between debunking a theory and showing people how it’s possible that it might not be true. I was really surprised by such blatant hypocrisy

    • It looks like you’re objecting to the title, not the story. Fair enough.
      The notion that the photo couldn’t be faked was debunked, with excellent evidence. The whole story of the photo, how he smuggled the phone, how he took the picture and sent it to an obscure Web forum, are all extremely unlikely, as pointed out by dozens of his readers, and the notion that the picture couldn’t be faked was totally discredited by readers of his original article, another article on BIN, and in more detail here.
      I guess the title should have been “Claim that Philip Woods smuggled phone past military hijackers and sent black picture from holding cell that must be genuine because it couldn’t have been faked is called into question.” Except I don’t think BIN allows such long titles. Maybe “Dare I suggest Jim Stone was wrong?”
      I personally think whoever fabricated this story is getting a good laugh, and maybe a lot of money, out of it. Just my opinion.

  • Deborah, I applaud your integrity and bravery for posting this well written article. No doubt you will be lampooned by the “truthers” on here, welcome to the shill club :neutral:

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

      Dupre here or the Illuminati Cabal Monsters don’t own the TRUTHS! :razz:

      • Then there is Stone’s #1 proof, never in his life have SHILLS worked so hard to discredit him, I have to agree with STONE that’s all the proof we need that the story is real.

        Here’s the deal, WOOD was working with CIA, and it never occured to him that they would kill 240 civilians, they drugged everybody put them back on the plane and ditched the plane.

        During the post 10+ days after the operation WOOD went nuts and had to be sedated and called out, they forget he had a phone, didn’t check him cuz after all he was team.

        So Stone is right the SHILLS (ZIO-NEO-CON) must kill this story, … the fact that so many are working to destroy this story is proof that it is real.

  • Sounds like a desperate attempt to discredit the fact that the MH370 is Diego Garcia. If it were just one story, it would be possible to debunk it. How about the total close off of Diego Garcia flight during the kidnapping (disappearing) of MH370? How about the psychic’s unbiased story of psychic vision? No one even knew Philip Wood was in the plane. Why would anyone want to make it up? For what reason?

    • That’s missing the point. Dupre has frequently supported the idea that the plane may have gone to Diego Garcia. This article simply reports all the criticisms of Jim Stone’s contention that the cell phone photo could not have been faked. The evidence is irrefutable that it could have been faked, and the idea that he could have smuggled it past military personnel is highly unlikely.
      Are you obscuring her point deliberately? Jim Stone has a lot of followers who would be happy to do so.

  • This confirms what I’ve been hearing, that BEFORE ITS NEWS is cointelpro, designed to herd well-meaning truthers away from the final goal of real exposure. I’ll stick with Jim Stone and dump this CIA-fronted fraud of a “news” site.

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

      It’s not Beforeitsnews which is the fraud – it’s the CIA-Mossad Disinformation infiltrators (reporter-conmen/women) who want us to stop reading alternative news websites or the TRUTHS!

      • Agree. BIN promoted freedom of the press. It’s up to readers to be able to discern, not an easy task these days.

    • BIN? Here’s what I juts found that WIRED says:

  • How long have “Nigerians” been bilking people out of their life savings so they could get a piece of the $55 million? Ten years? 20 years? While most of us simply apply a bit of common sence, combined with a dash of skepticism, there are at least as many who believe what they read on this site as are tempted to give their banking detilsnton “nigerians”.

  • First read of his article and I immediately knew it was a hoax. Exif data is extremely easy to change without leaving a trace. Also, the IPhone 5 is a small phone and could probably fit up Mr. Wood’s rectum, so maybe the pic was dark because some of his excrement was still covering the lens? I mean who has time to give themselves an enema before a hijacking?

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO


  • It’s not essential to immediately be able to “spot” the truth when it appears – what IS essential is to be open to ALL possibilities – with all the liars around, truth is not always immediately apparent. Ego is always the enemy of truth.

    • Very interesting and well stated. “Ego is always the enemy of truth.” Thank you.

      • Ego is a necessity of truth, in ego there is strength, power, wisdom, if one is to weaken oneself, it be through ego, to have it or not, to know it or not, is one with god or one with man, a choice of ego..

        To have ego, is to know ones self. In that, truth, :|

        blow up each others balloons, one too should carry a pin, :wink:

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

      She tried completely to damage Jim Stone’s reputation with the most ridiculous argument such as his use of Capital letters; I mean what-the-heck – and she called that “critical thinking” – my foot! It’s her ego to think that she can TWO-FACE easily deceive everyone, whcih is the enemy of the truth!

  • Finally, a well thought out, well put together article on BIN!

    Thank you for shedding some truthful light here when you will no doubt be ridiculed and called a satanist or government plant.

    • DK

      Suprisingly it is not Deborah Dupre who has anaylised the Jim Stone article, it is the commentators who have gone through all the angles in their debate, she has just engaged in a one sided cat fight. JimFreeStone has not replied and he has a BIN account, he did post on his comments and the right place to put him to task first was on his comment thread.

      • One-sided cat-fight or “she” represented commenters’ critical thinking? Thank you, DK for not being any harsher on me.

      • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

        She tried completely to damage Jim Stone’s reputation with the most ridiculous argument such as his use of Capital letters – what-the-heck! Two-face INFILTRATOR I would label her!

      • DK

        Deborah, Jim has not replied to your post, so one sided it is.

        We all would prefer it if he did engage, an atricle has to be balanced, balancing the article in the comment section is usually mainstream media where paid shrills spend their time trying to do the Marxist dogma of insulting the person untill they fall silent.

        We do not like a one sided article with insults, it’s a sign of someone in a camp. Jim Stone also did it with his critics when he could not prove his jpg was the original from 4Chan(The Shrills), I was one of those people who told him how to go about getting the real one, or bringing 4Chan to account for its illegal deletion. He may have risen to the level of his imcompetence not by releasing the article, but by not following through with expert help and opinion and instead demeaning his critics with an edit. Help has been given and ignored.

    • srsly1 – Thank you. Yes, ridiculed indeed and spent 5 hours trying to get my hacked computer back in operation today. That caused more concern, so I immediately hunted a bit, not on the hoax but its author. I found even the well-resepcted Wired Magazine has featured him, saying he is “a self-professed former National Security Agency analyst with an “engineering background” and a more here: My concern is 239 missing people and thousands of progressives believing what is not in their or our best interest.

  • While true that exif data can be easily changed with an exif editor, it is also the case that the editor will leave a “stamp” indicating that it was used to alter the data. Stone maintains that the original photo included no such indicator.

    As for the phone up the behind. We don’t have enough data about the conditions on board the jet. Stone claims an AWACS plane intercepted it and jammed civilian radar. There is evidence that the pilot was complicit: his home flight simulator contained Diego Garcia coordinates. So we cannot assume that there were on-board armed hijackers.

    Stone has always had that style, right back to the Fukushima report (still undebunked) proving that catastrophe to have been an act of war, not a natural disaster. To try to discredit an argument based on the writer’s style, no matter how annoying you might find it, is disingenuous.

    • “There is evidence that the pilot was complicit: his home flight simulator contained Diego Garcia coordinates.” The pilot also had every other possible landing location in his flight simulator. Pilots must know and be prepared to land in the nearest place in case of emergency. This is a huge part of their training, according to pilots I know. They say it is always right there on their minds – each time they fly, as they move away from one nearest spot to land to another. By the way, I hope you might appreciate that I reported what others have regarding style.

      The worst of this crime is we cannot depend on the intel experts hired to defend and protect us to analyze and report truthfully, as history has shown.

    • As a matter of fact, some EXIF editors leave no trace.

  • Remarkable analysis. Thank you. I agree Israel would be a likely culprit – along with its supporters. Question: If true, it was all part of the covert operation then?

    • Then why do all my reply’s to you get deleted?

      • They don’t all get deleted. The photo of you and your lady friend look famiiliar.

      • Well I would say 50% get deleted I would like to know from others here if they see the same rate of deletion?

  • If it walks and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. It smells like a rat…

  • Why does anyone believe Diego Garcia has cell phone service? Its a secret military base for God’s sake.

    • AgainstEVILZionist-MASTERMIND-of-IlluminatiNWO

      So you’re saying all the civilian workers there are not allowed to use cell phones?! Now although the (apx) 2,000 contract civilian workers’ background and movement are strictly checked and restricted, including no individual ownership of motored vehicles , but I’m pretty sure they can use the phones at least (since they can’t really move around freely anyway and the real nasty base is secretly UNDERGROUND) – see,P4_INST_TYPE:930%2CINSTALLATION!

      And I suspect SatanicIlluminatiRothschild-founded IsraHELL has ILLEGAL nuclear-bunkers including masive CREMATORIUM right there in Diego GarCIA – including for its Submarines and prison-ships; BURNING human beings are also a favourite part of the Cabal’s ‘Sacrifice’ MO (that’s why we have nuclear-bombing of Hiroshima, drone-burning, Bohemian Grove Owl-burning, 9-11….burn…burn…..!) !

      See Shimatsu’s brilliant article at – /war-and-conflict/2014/03/tel-aviv-airport-malaysian-airliners-and-a-new-world-order-2451422.html:

      Tel Aviv airport, Malaysian Airliners and a New World Order

      March 28, 2014

      …..On the surface and from satellite images, Diego Garcia seems a barren atoll. That’s because most of the US Navy and Air Force bases are underground inside vast bunkers installed a decade ago. The island, part of the British-owned Chagos archipelago south of India, later made headlines as the storage site for hundreds of bunker-buster JDAM bombs for a joint Israel-US airstrike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and air defenses.

      The Israeli military and intelligence presence on Diego Garcia is so massive that long-distance phone operators offer a special discount card for calls to Israel. The Israeli Navy’s nuclear-missile capable Dolphin submarines refuel and are serviced at Diego Garcia, saving the time and expense of going to Elat on the Red Sea.

      An IDF Dolphin sub from Diego Garcia sank the South Korean frigate Choenan. The Dolphin crew, panicked by the unscheduled voyage, fired a smart torpedo at the frigate. On the following two days, South Korean naval divers rescued several Caucasians, including two drowning victims, from a sunken submarine. That Dolphin submarine, based at an underwater base south of Inchon, was later replaced with an IDF order for a new sub from HDW Germany. Cannon fire from the Choenan’s sister ship had hit the Dolphin after it sank the Choenan, following delivered nuclear-weapons material to the North Korean military…….

      March 28, 2014

    • I checked. It does have cell phone service.

  • It actually was reported as a twitter feed not a phone call, their is the deception. I saved the article and took screen shots of the twitter feed.

    • and they are where??? your twitter feed screenshots?

  • “posts like this are simple hoaxes at best and could be flat out disinformation posted by nefarious actors” Wasn’t it also found out that Phillip Wood was one of the actors in a false flag event, along with his girl friend. (/economics-and-politics/2014/04/phillip-woods-is-caught-as-a-cia-prop-in-this-photo-more-breaking-news-with-sn-koreas-2463558.html)

  • OK so Exif data can be forged and edited. But can someone verify or at least throw some light on the other bits of information concerning the new generation semi-conductor developed by FreeScale, the supposed patent holders which included Jacob Rothschild, the 4 other patent holders who were chinese nationals who were on board the flight? The 20 or something other employees of Freescale supposedly on board the flight also?

    Can I also draw people’s attention to a recent release of documents by Edward Snowden outlining a joint UK/USA intelligence operation called ‘JTRIG’. This operation by people within the two mentioned intelligence services is too spread disinformation, ridicule, discredit and or troll forums and various other media websites where political/military/conspiracy issues are discussed. Apparently this can now be automated by troll bots, inteliigent software that can replicate a human conversation that can draw upon current information off the internet to give it more credibility and seem human like to fool people.

    Also may I mention a very good point made by someone on the internet I read the other day about conspiracy theories and the people that make them. If only just over a year ago did someone write on forums that the NSA was active in a global surveillance programme that involved Google, Facebook, MSN, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, Youtube, Paltalk and others, that person would have been ridiculed by many and told to go get a new tin foil hat. So the moral of this story is don’t be too quick to dismiss all conspiracy theories. Where there is smoke there might be fire!

    Keep an open mind people. Have a good day and remember everything we know is wrong and most importantly… DON’T FEED THE TROLLS! :razz: :smile:

  • Jen

    Aside from the fact the content of this ‘message’ was quite obviously a troll and it picked a passenger who was very well know as both the media and the internet jumped on him because of his nationality. It was also originally posted on 4Chan’s politically incorrect board. This really needs to be dropped, it’s absurd.

    And for the record, exif data is very, very easy to change with one piece of free downloadable software. Trolls use it all the time. In fact, there is a trend of making posts as bait for certain websites, this one included and this site keeps falling for it over and over again. Why? Failure to investigate. This is exactly why this website has a reputation for posting stories that tell people what they want to hear without any actual facts.

  • I’ve had exactly the same experience. No articles, no responses to my reports. Like I don’t exist. I suppose we could write to them at their mail address, but it probably would do no good. I think there is someone inside who is censoring stories. People powered news my ass.

  • I reported this Prime. Hope it helps.

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