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Alex Haley’s “Roots”, a Lie and Hoax to Steal American Land

Saturday, March 11, 2017 16:22
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(Before It's News)

 Alex Haley’s 1976 novel “ROOTS” and the 1977 miniseries was plagiarized from the 1967 book, THE AFRICAN. Harold Courlander, the white author of “The African” sued Alex Haley in 1978 for stealing his story.  Through testimony it was revealed Alex Haley stole Courlander’s work and lied about his African heritage.

Harold Courlander, who was white, wrote a novel called “The African” in 1967. The book is the story of an African boy captured by slave traders and his horrific trip across the Atlantic experience as cargo in a slave ship, and the horrors on a plantation in the new land.  Courlander sued Haley for copyright infringement.

Courlander’s pre-trail memorandum on the lawsuit claimed:

“defendant Haley had access to and substantially copied from The Africa. Without The African, Roots would have been a very different and less successful novel, and indeed it is doubtful that Mr. Haley could have written Roots without The African.

….Mr. Haley copied language, thoughts, attitudes, incidents, situations, plot and character.”

The federal judge Robert Ward, who presided over Haley’s plagiarism trail said, ” I did not want to destroy him”, and found the author of “ROOTS”  ALEX HALEY guilty of PLAGIARISM and the case was settled out of court.  Later it was learned the Federal Judge told Courlander to keep quiet about the huge settlement because the “Roots” author had become too important to black people to be torn down in public. Courlander was awarded $650,000 (about 2.4 million today).

Slavery is a Lie. ROOTS and KUNTA KINTE NEVER EXISTED Alex Haley lied about his heritage.

None of the written records in Virginia and North Carolina line up with the ROOTS story until after the Civil War.

Despite his status as the United States best-selling story teller Haley’s work have been excluded from the Norton Anthology of African-American Literature.

U.S. History is built upon lies and conjecture. Do not expect it to tell you the truth. 
Question your surroundings, and challenge their rights to land.  Where do they come from? Are they American? or are they European? The Webster’s 1828 definition of American does not describe them as the original inhabitants.

Background on Alex Haley. He was a 20 year U.S. government veteran when he wrote ROOTS.

The media is well aware of this lie and fraud

The general public is unaware of Haley’s ROOTS autobiography being discredited and suited. The African Trans-Atlantic slave trade narrative is a billion dollar industry for U.S. Corporations and Oil and Gas conglomerates. 

But what would happen if the truth were to surface? About it being a hoax and a lie to steal land from the American Indians, those they call African-American (Black people). Would the corporations (U.S. Government) give it back, or would they find new methods to continue to usurp the land; and use the life-force and energy of these people to sustain their businesses. 

The novel ROOTS was translated into 37 languages, the book and movie is still used today in U.S. schools, taught in history class of a people that never existed.

Fast forward, 40 years later, there is a pivotal scene in the new movie GET OUT where the lead character picks cotton from the chair he is bound to and stuffing the cotton into his ears so he cannot get hypnotized by what is said. You must stop listening to the false Slave Rhetoric used to construct this reality, GET OUT of their system and Reclaim Your Inheritance. Their time is over. They know it. Now It’s time that you knew it.


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