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Tepco decided to ask JP Gov for covering the decommissioning cost

Saturday, August 13, 2016 10:28
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(Before It's News)

On 7/28/2016, Tepco announced they decided to ask the government of Japan for financial support regarding decommissioning. They also consider asking the government for supporting the cost of compensation and decontamination.

According to the original plan of Tepco, they prepared 1 trillion (1,000,000,000,000) yen for decommissioning of Fukushima plant and another trillion yen to follow . However it is estimated to take 30 ~ 40 years for decommissioning and the total cost is likely to amount over 2 trillion yen.

The power generation cost per kWh should be recalculated including the decommissioning cost but the cost of nuclear power is not published by Japanese government.

Iori Mochizuki

The post Tepco decided to ask JP Gov for covering the decommissioning cost appeared first on Fukushima Diary.


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