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Denmark Proves We Don’t Need the FCC: New at Reason

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 18:59
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Americans often look to Scandinavian countries for examples of successful policy and governance. It’s easy to see why: These countries boast some of the best quality-of-life rankings in the world. Denmark in particular is praised for its stellar telecommunications services. The country has topped the International Telecommunications Union’s ranking of global information and communication technology (ICT) provision for years due to its expansive broadband and wireless penetration, fast Internet speeds, and ample provider competition.

The Danish reputation got a boost among the American left in last year’s presidential election, when Bernie Sanders plugged the country as a model for the United States to emulate. But admirers of the popular democratic socialist politician may be surprised to learn exactly how Denmark was able to become an international leader in ICT delivery, notes Andrea O’Sullivan. It wasn’t super-charged regulation, top-down “net neutrality” rules, or major government subsidies that did the trick.

So how did Denmark do it? Deregulation. By virtually eliminating their equivalent of the Federal Communications Commission, Danes now enjoy some of the best ICT service on the planet.

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