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Go Ahead, Amazon – Make My Day

Thursday, March 9, 2017 13:07
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After years of pressure, Israel has finally succeeded in coercing the world’s largest booksellers into submission. The flickering candles of honest history are now being snuffed out.

Amazon published books that dispute what George Orwell described as ‘the prevailing orthodoxy’, are today being thrown on to bonfires lit by the holohoax hucksters.

Harold Covington put it in a paragraph:

“Take away the holocaust and what do you have left?  Without their precious holocaust what are the Jews? They are just a little grubby bunch of international bandits, assassins and squatters, who have perpetrated the most massive, cynical fraud in human history.”

Unable to deny evidence of massive holocaust-related fraud Yad Vashem has finally resorted to outright censorship. In a futile attempt to buy time the Israeli funded body is now desperately trying to hide proof of their guilt.

In May, 1945, Doctor Joseph Goebbels penned the words:

“Do not let yourself be confused by the uproar that will now reign throughout the world.  The lies will one day break down under their own weight and the truth will again triumph.  The hour will come when we shall stand pure and undefiled as our aims and beliefs have always been.”

American journalist Mark Twain agreed:

“A lie will travel the world while the truth is still pulling its boots on.”

Truth has now pulled its boots on and having cornered the holohoax hucksters Truth is set on doing some shit-kicking.

With the passage of time and the onset of the less controllable internet, the Jews and their bought Shabaz Goy journalists have been caught with their fingers in the till. They are now in deep trouble.

Amazon censorship will not work and I will explain why: Prevailing authority constantly seeks to censor free expression. However, denial of access to literature is known to increase interest and demand.

The censors are caught in a trap of their own making because such strategy will spectacularly fail. I am one of thousands of genuine historians whose purpose is to state the facts rather than recycle victors’ propaganda.

Being a dissident historian doesn’t pay the bills as our tormentors’ intent is to starve dissenters into submission. But, this is their Achilles heel not ours. Dissident writers and poets have never been allowed to access a market in which they might make an honest living? They must learn to live with penury.

As soon as Amazon pulls my titles I remove the copyright. This will give the world free access to my books. Free downloads will multiply my conventional Amazon book sales by tens if not hundreds of thousands. Sure, I won’t earn money from free downloads but I don’t earn much from Amazon royalties anyway. 

I once described myself as the Julian Assange of real history: I echo the dissident journalist’s words:

“This generation is burning the mass media to the ground. We are reclaiming our rights to world history.” 

Go ahead, Amazon, make my day! Touché!

BUY NOW: Yesterday’s legitimate books can now be bought only by clandestine means. BUY NOW while you can.

Mike Walsh Real History books are still available at:

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