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Cold, Hard Proof US Is A Military Police StateMessenger23/03/2014 23:27:19
US Sixth Fleet Races Towards Black Sea! NATO Troops Land In Ukraine!Messenger02/03/2014 23:39:11
Snowden revelationsVictor28/02/2014 02:33:28
Yes, 911 was an inside job by the Bush crime family. Capt Obvious also says Afghanistan is a Opium smuggling job run by the largest drug cartel in the World: The Pentagon.
Democrat Threatens TV Stations That Air Anti-Obamacare AdMessenger23/02/2014 22:48:49
Full Interview: Sheriff Arpaio’s Lead Obama Investigator Drops Bombs On White HouseAnonymous09/02/2014 23:36:02
People Guarding US Nukes Will Shock YouAnonymous19/01/2014 20:46:18
Never Aired Pentagon 9/11 Video HD (Video)Messenger15/01/2014 00:38:00
Will you attend March on DC nov 5th. PLEASEAngellike14/10/2013 07:56:34
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