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By Adam J. Pearson
Excited hearts speeding through typing, singing fingers ringing lines,
Boys and girls gazing into screens like portals of golden wine,
Whizzing words of passion, wanting, through cyber wormholes inside
Ricocheting off of websites, whirling wonders multiplied,
Wild hopes soaring, arcing worries, rising highly, gliding by,
High like power lines and satellites in starry nights divine,
While terrified to whisper words of what’s beyond the wanting of
Yearning for the great forbidden, taboo, golden calf of love.
Trusting blindly, sighing wildly, opening heart petals of
Lotuses and roses, tulips, outpouring, inpouring love,
Some naively, some in earnest, some deceiving, some sincere,
Girls who long for one boy only, boys who want just one girl near
Girls who hide side lovers slyly, boys that lie through masks they’ve gripped
Some sincere in monogamy, some who act it like a script
Some who love in polyamory, or fake to play along
Lying through rivers of tears because their lonely bond is strong
Some hide from public beloveds, private Tinder meetings of
Moaning bodies in motel rooms hidden from their public loves
OK Cupid Facebook fragments, sharp shards of old love letters
Scattered widely into pieces texted out through cellulars
Hearts cut deeply by betrayal, others innocent and whole
Some love mighty like volcanoes, some can barely spark a soul
Lies and truths, deceptions, yearnings, flying texts like flocking doves
Through hearts punctured like pincushions or voodoo dolls speared with love
Oh those eyes so filled with wonder in the new glow of love’s flame
And cheated pupils suspicious, chilled, will never shine the same
Oh those irises that soften, in the downy fall of trust
Oh those hardened by betrayal, that gaze granite, iron, rust
Endless internet connections link the lonely all as one
And yet loneliness grows stronger since they feel cut off and numb
Trust seems dated like a relic of a different, distant age
And the love songs of the poets seem like cobwebs on the page
While we wander through warm words while wounded hearts wing wildly on
Feeling weakened by our wanting and yet wanting to be strong
Dreams of weddings, brides and dresses, neat tuxedos, gilded grooms,
Come to fruition for the blessed while some dreams die in darkened tombs,
In the soft embrace of loving, we place final, desperate hopes
Love will give us all we’ve wanted, free us from our binding ropes,
Give us safety from our terrors and uncertainties of life
Offer shielding from our wounding, cushions to soften our strife
But the boys and girls are lost now while they’re yearning to be found
So they put hopes in each other as they pray they’ll stay around
And some do stay close forever; only death breaks them apart,
While others ghost and don’t answer and their silence breaks your heart
As the pure faith of teenage lovers tumbling down in passion deep
Dims to dullness and suspicion in many an aging weep,
And yet still we go on yearning for love and its diamond light
That can shine away all shadows and dispel the dark of night
And the shades of shady lovers into distant pasts do fade
While the memories of joy seem to survive forgetting’s blade
All those moments when our eyes joined in a golden bridge of care
And sunbeams cast countless rainbows through your prism strands of hair
Your warm skin pressed up against mine as clothes fell like gentle snow
And the sighing moans of music sang songs only we could know
Despite all, this resilient heart still longs to love a golden sun
Calling to her through the vastness, whirling words not overrun
Wanting, soaring, arcing, rising, shining, gliding bright and fine
High like power lines and satellites in starry nights divine
Trusting blindly, sighing wildly, opening heart petals of,
Lotuses and roses, tulips, outpouring, inpouring love.
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