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Cures for Insomnia

Saturday, October 1, 2016 0:27
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If you are really searching for a cure we will give you all the help you need as we are here to list some of the know cures for insomnia. Many people ask themselves and others – how can I get a good night’s sleep? The disorder of insomnia can often be caused by stress and anxiety and being too busy at work. The brain cannot relax. Meditation could help. If you are one of these people that are having problems sleeping – either getting to sleep or staying asleep, we have compiled a list of suggestions that may help you.

. Try to develop a more regular pattern before settling down for the evening. Try reading a little as you settle down for the night. Avoid caffeine before going to bed. Avoid alcohol, this can put you to sleep but you may wake feeling tired and rundown.

· If you are constantly waking through the night, why not try breathing meditation. It is as simple as concentrating on breathing in and out for the same amount of time for inhalation and exhalation. It may be the count of 5 or 7. By concentrating on your breath, you are clearing your mind of any “worrying” or “nagging” thoughts.

· Make sure you are following a healthy diet and you are getting exercise. Exercise should be an essential part of your daily lifestyle. A good healthy diet helps you with your sleeping.

· Before going to bed, it is always important to avoid foods that contain stimulants.

· When you are exercising, make sure that the physical exercise you do, will make you feel that you have achieved a good result and consequently, your body will want to rest when you go to bed. There are several benefits associated with regular exercise. Exercise can help avoid many of the diseases that we are prone to. If you are exercising to lose weight, you will also improve your health and avoid diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. You will also lower your stress levels and improve your bone density, thus avoiding osteoporosis. Exercise does not have to be too strenuous but you should be able to feel that it is benefiting you. Some people have developed the habit of walking after their evening meal. This may help you get a better night’s sleep. A few light yoga stretches may also be beneficial but make sure they are not too hard.

· If you suffer from insomnia try not to have an afternoon nap. Studies have shown that a good nap – if you are extremely tired should only be for 20 minutes. It is advisable to try and get a regular plan for your day and evening.

· Try to go to bed at the same time and stick to your routine. If anyone can help you with improving your sleeping, it is you. You are in control as you know your own body better than anyone else. If your sleeping is erratic, you must identify what is causing your problem. If you are constantly thinking of what you have to do the next day, it may be advisable for you to write yourself a “to do” list before going to bed and seeing if you can then clear these thoughts out of your mind. Remember, routine will often help with your sleeping. If you are following a routine and it does not seem to be working for you, change it. It may be that you exercise in the afternoon rather than the morning. This may get you tired enough to relax and sleep. If you do change your routine around, you will soon find a plan that works best for you.

· Ensure that you have the correct sleeping environment. When we talk about a correct sleeping environment, it may mean you have to turn your bedroom around. Be sure that your bedroom is not flooded by light all night. Make sure you are warm and cosy as you are dozing off to sleep. A good comfortable bed goes a long way when you need to sleep. If you have to, replace your old bed with a brand new one.

We hope these suggestions may help you in your quest for a better night’s sleep and I am sure that you will be able to find one cure to help you amidst this list of cures for insomnia.


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