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Israel Prison Service Press Release on Prisoner Rehabilitation Programs

Monday, February 20, 2017 14:35
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Israel Prison Service Press Release on Prisoner Rehabilitation Programs
20 February 2017

The Israel Prison Service is the national correction authority and the only
organization that handles detainees and prisoners in Israel.

One of the goals of the IPS is to take a meaningful part of the prisoners’
rehabilitation process and prepare them for reintegrating into society after
being released.

Both research and experience show that different programs work for different
people, which is why the IPS tries to offer all kinds of rehabilitation
programs so that every prisoner who wants to be treated will be given a
chance to find his or her match.

Examples of that diversity are:

“Shalhevet” (ember) – Drug-addicted prisoners learn to tell and write
their life story including what led them to start using drugs and what drugs
have brought into their lives. During the process they give lectures in high
schools and share their regrets and lessons learned in order to educate
teenagers on the dangers of drugs and addictions.

Community Theater – ongoing community theater groups. Prisoners who join
the group learn acting and expression. Every few months, group members write
their own play based on their lives and backgrounds and experience
performing on stage in front of a live audience.

“Alle Negev” – Prisoners giving back to the community and volunteering
every other week outside prison in a home for disabled people.

The “Tzur” unit – supervising sex offenders in the community by ensuring
that they honor their release terms and assisting them in order to prevent

Home for elderly dogs – IPS security dogs that need to be retired, are
moved into a special care facility, where IPS staff members treat them and
meet their needs. While at the home they are engaged in different
rehabilitation programs for prisoners (involving training and caring the

The above IPS programs, and others, are designed to teach prisoners life
skills and provide them with positive experiences so that they can build
confidence and knowledge for life after prison.


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