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Now I’m not being pessimistic here but this UN guy could be explained…granted his title is bad enough..we have delegates from the UN visiting our government daily for just about anything…and even though the videos were entertaining they did not give light to what needed to be said…if this UN guy was here to oversee training operations or OPERATIONS…then there would be several of them and they would be and are escorted everywhere by secret service. Ole boy with the video camera would have never gotten that close, period.
Here’s what I would freak out on, if there was a joint training mission on US SOIL WITH NATO/UN FORCES IN THE NEXT 6 MONTHS. imagine the implications if Obama used all these “allied forces” at once during a training exercise against us. If done right there would be at least 500 thousand troops plus navy and air capabilities, possibly armored vehicles such as tanks..and it would only be conducted on the coast based military bases. I would imagine not the west coast because of the seismic threats, but that is your best bet for training in desert operations, I’ve been there three times for the USMC, that’s where it goes down at. On the other hand, the east coast would give you a more rural, swampy, mountainous terrain to fight, whoops I mean train in….i doubt we would see an invasion during our most harshest months for weather but if you wait till spring time..that’s fair weather to fight in..just some thoughts..I could go on and on..
Dec 16, 2015