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Who is Katniss Everdeen saying are they? She killed both evil rulers, which means there shouldn’t be an enemy still lurking around! Lionsgate Films makes movies that announce New World Order Agenda messages – the Hunger Games Franchise is loaded with them. Important here is a reference that makes zero sense according to the plot lines of all four films with one that references an alien intrusion against humanity and this planet. Off world or not, it is not indicated, however, a flury of reptilian monsters in an underground setting could be a clue.
How can this be… where is this message delivered? The message is shown to the audience at the end of the last Hunger Games quadrilogy shared to her newborn.: “… one day I’ll explain to you why they came and why they will never leave…”. The main character here tells a one minute story of an entity we are never introduced to, but evidently lurks among the Panemanians in which ‘they’ have remain in the shadows of with an absolute desire to remain without contest? Why is Katniss sitting in a meadow balking about it… she is the undefeated, undisputed, invincible warrior, no?
Considered a box office flop, Hunger Games Mockingjay II delivers a rather slow moving story that lacks the action and creativity of the previous film installments. There must have been a reason. One is partly because the director followed the book very closely, but decided to add a thoughtline at the very end which made no logical sense unless one understands underlying motives in secret society messaging. The purpose of the movie had little to do with making huge revenue or wide acclaim.. the totality of the Hunger Concepts was enough. It was the message stated at the very end that they wanted you to hear and experience. The message was as elusive as was its intent, however, it’s safe for me to suggest that they want you to believe that if you are victorious in life, that you remain a prisoner under a shroud of mystery and controlling body that cannot be extradited. Katniss suggests a way out which is to list all the good things you’ve done for people and live under fear and futility.
The prevailing question one must ask is; Who, or what is “they”? Nowhere in the plotlines of any of the films since the debut of Hunger Games in 2012 was there a fixed “they” entity or character, or mystical agency behind the tyrannical leader. President Snow was where the buck stopped and his life ended just before the end credits. Katniss Everdeen finally kills the ultimate evil while the nemesis, President Snow, is torn to pieces… who then is still in power, or more appropriately to the script subtext, WHAT isn’t yet exiled? If it was so important that the audience had to hear this as a final so-long to Hunger Games, why isn’t the hero we paid to see in charge to “make “them” leave”? This is because that which cannot be removed as symbolically inferred to in the films must be that which has utter control over humanity in real life – Alien races..
The last scene is where the disclosure takes place and is set to categorize this franchise as an Alien driven series. I was stunned to find the message spelled out in plain earshot. Jennifer Lawrence “Katniss Everdeen” speaks a dialogue that has no reference, says nothing specific about any of the film plot themes, and yet there it was to state what I feel is the Alien Agenda. Oh no, here comes the conspiracy theory.
The last scene’s dialogue where Katniss talks to her baby just before the end credits. Firstly, a description of the baby is, and people in blogs all over the place concur, that the baby’s head is twice as big as normal and that it appeared to be Asian. One person said it had black eyes. I observed all the above, but in addition to the eyes, they were all black and non blinking. Now, how does that message out that an Alien agenda statement is being made. Here’s what Katniss says after a lead in: “… one day I’ll explain to you why they came and why they will never leave…” Then she explains how she deals with bad dreams and things by writing a list of good things she’s ever done for people and that it’s routine, but manageable for existence.
What she meant in my opinion is that it is the Aliens that came and won’t ever leave. There was nothing in the plot that lead her to say what she said for the audience to understand because it made absolutely no sense. Not unless one has studied the NWO like I have.
I observed that the baby’s head was proportionately oversized. I overheard a person leaving the theater who noted the same. I’m sure people in the cutting room as well as the the oversight of the director knew it. In other words, if that was striking and unusual, it would have been a scene to re-evaluate and re-shoot. But, because they may have used a doll instead of a real baby (it never moved a twitch), there is little doubt in my mind it could have been purposeful to represent an alien. The lighting created the illusion the eyes were completely black. Subtle as it was, in most films, a baby of interest or significance is cinematically presented in full light exuding happy baby like illumination.
Katniss killed off the PTB in the movie, and is the hero who if she wanted, could rule the people to sovereignty. So, who was in charge for her to say that they’ll never leave? I can say without a doubt until shown otherwise that the last book did not include that thought line.
Katniss also survived the onslaught of aliens. In this feature, the aliens were depicted as the Alien of the Alien series. This reptilian form is emulated throughout the sci-fi film industry’s conceptual think tank forums..
The element of torture induced mind control is made evident with the character married to the protagonist. “Love concurs all” is the running theme behind Katniss Everdeen’s success, however, she adopts the submissive attitude of subservience to the powers that be. She gives Peeta the benefit of the doubt as to her and her children’s safety.
Effie Trinket plays a role in which she doesn’t hesitate to select a child to compete in a deadly game. She is noted as wearing the sign of a Monarch known to be mind control MKUltra. These are women groomed to service the Elite and perform inhumane functions while pretending to do service work. In the last scene, there is the long awaited romance in which she and Haymitch exchange a kiss. Now, why is she glorified and why accepted back as humane individual? In a world where there is an advanced technological society complete with medical remedies, why isn’t Peeta, an untreated victim of mind control, treated conclusively for the condition?
The character “Efie Trinket” represents the MKUltra also known as a Monarch. She is symbolically represented as such with the costume of monarch butterflies. There a thousands of insects to choose from… why the Monarch? Who then is she handling?
The second to the last scene where the Capitol’s people are baited with the promise of food and shelter to their deaths as they cross through the streets toward the Reichtag-like stronghold of President Snow, we see the same I-Beam barriers as were placed in the no crossing zone between East and West Berlin of the cold war era..
She’s talking about why the dreams come, and won’t go away, not aliens:
“My children, who don’t know they play on a graveyard. Peeta says it will be okay. We have each other. And the book. We can make them understand in a way that will make them braver. But one day I’ll have to explain about my nightmares. Why they came. Why they won’t ever really go away.”
And the babies eyes are all black because the screen shots are from an illegal bootleg copy of the movie. Those tend to have washed out colors, and over dark blacks and shadows.
In John Lamb Lash’s book entitled “Not In His Image”, he does an excellent job of interpreting ancient pre-christian texts in a way that is easily understood The subject of the Archons is very detailed, and mind blowing. He has a very compelling argument for a theory of an “archontic virus” that is hard to ignore. Once you’ve read it and look around you while you’re going about your everyday life, it’s all right out in the open, clear as crystal. It’s even weirder to realize that MOST other people, well, I’m not sure if it’s can’t, or will not, see it.
I believe the archons want us to believe that we’ll never be free of them. I believe the reason why the vatican caused the dark age, was to attempt to hide all ancient knowledge and prophecies and folk stories concerning the fall and correction of Sophia.
Once you’ve woken up, and know the truth, it’s easy to see what is going on in the world. The fear is written all over the faces of the world leaders. Watch the pope running frantically around the world probably calling in favors, looking for friends, trying to cut deals. In the end, there will be no escape. Anywhere in the universe. THEY WILL face the consequences of their actions. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!
I’ll have to see the ending one more time to make certain your quote is indeed from the film. I don’t recall hearing the word nightmare used in the context of the sentence, but if I do, I’ll retract this article. I noted the black eyes before finding the bootleg screen shot in a google image search when putting the article together… Others have noted this as an observation as well along with the unusually big and round head (many jokes about her giving childbirth were made), Asian in appearance in the film, and I see that being talked about in other blogs as well. Where’s your reaction to the similarity of the reptilian like creatures in both the Alien and this film? I’d like to know if you agree or not agree. Effie wears an outfit adorned with monarch butterflies in a previous film… does this not represent an MKUltra? Ladybugs, praying mantis, a honeybee… 100,000 choices in the world of etymology… why the Monarch? Why with technological advances in film quality, today, is the entire series shot in slate grey and blue that matches the color schematics key which today’s jails and prisons follow with exactitude? Why are all dystonian films following the same format? Why are there dystonian future films depicting humanity’s bleak destiny so important? You have kids… do you want them to see Hunger Games to get an imprint from Hollywood that nightmares will never go away?
Not so. She is speaking of “them”; the ants who run this farm we aphids live on. They have been here since forever began and this is their last battle station and last stand, all the while sucking up the energy we create for them to feed off of.
Interesting points made. You mention that one can see the fear written all over their faces and David Icke, a world leader in the realm of a movement, is no stranger to controversy: He really appears tore up from the floor up and it’s not the money he lost in that court case… that was chump change to him compared to what he makes. As far as Aliens are concerned, if they indeed exist, is that in my opinion all of them have a vested interest with the exclusion of any benefit to humanity. If there is a what they refer to as a benevolent alien race, then why are then not engaged in a protocol to intercept the thousands and millions over time that at ages infant to puberty stolen and traded until death in the sex slave and pedophile markets? At least that would show they care about our destiny. Until I see a written contract that they do not interfere with us for whatever reason, I’m not giving them any benefit of the doubt. Humans have feelings, but I need proof the nice aliens have them too, otherwise, I don’t trust any of them.
“They” aren’t aliens and the only thing they care about is feeding themselves. Terra is a giant farm and we humans are it’s most important crop. The more misery, death, hate/love, more newbies injected into the farm, the better and sweeter the food we supply our masters.
The initial quote I gave was from the book, here’s the exact quote from the movie:
Katniss Everdeen: [to her baby] Did you have a nightmare? I have nightmares too. Someday I’ll explain it to you. Why they came. Why they won’t ever go away. But I’ll tell you how I survive it. I make a list in my head. Of all the good things I’ve seen someone do. Every little thing I could remember. It’s like a game. I do it over and over. Gets a little tedious after all these years, but… There are much worse games to play.