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TOP SECRET Document Busted WIDE Open: 100% Proof the NWO is Using Brain Frequencies to Control The Masses and You Won’t Believe the OTHER Secrets it Harbors (Jaw Dropping Video)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 7:56
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(Before It's News)



“But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore of sound mind, and be sober unto prayer” 1 Peter 4:7


Trouble is likely headed our way with the discovery of a patent that has been put out with the technological capabilities to monitor and control human thoughts without the use of speech.  This technology is highly controversial—to say the least—but it draws an awful slippery slope between human control and free will.


According to the patent’s abstract:


A system and method for enabling human beings to communicate by way of their monitored brain activity. The brain activity of an individual is monitored and transmitted to a remote location (e.g. by satellite). At the remote location, the monitored brain activity is compared with pre-recorded normalized brain activity curves, waveforms, or patterns to determine if a match or substantial match is found. If such a match is found, then the computer at the remote location determines that the individual was attempting to communicate the word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal.”


Did you catch that? “Enabling humans to communicate by way of their Monitored brain activity.”  This might just sound like a huge technological feat but it doesn’t end there. One of the objectives listed by this patent is the following:


“It is another object of this invention to provide a system capable of identifying particular nodes in an individual’s brain, the firings of which affect characteristics such as appetite, hunger, thirst, communication skills (e.g. which nodes are utilized to communicate certain words such as “yes”, “no”, or phrases such as “I don’t know”, “I’m not sure”, or numbers such as “one”, “two”, “ten”, “one hundred” and the like), thought processes, depression, and the like). When such nodes are identified, they may be specifically monitored by one or more sensors to analyze behavior or communication or words, phrases, or thoughts. In other embodiments, devices mounted to the person (e.g. underneath the scalp) may be energized in a predetermined manner or sequence to remotely cause particular identified brain node(s) to be fired in order to cause a predetermined feeling or reaction in the individual, such as lack of hunger, lack or depression, lack or thirst, lack of aggression, lack of alzheimer’s disease effects, or the like.


I don’t know about you but that sounds like mind control on steroids!!!


The video below dives into the patent in detail and I urge you with everything in me to watch it in its entirety….



“He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.” Revelation 13:15-18


Bone-Chilling Apocalyptic Mystery Sounds Decoded! NWO Testing Masses With Mind Control-Vibration Tech For Global Slavery?!


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The Patent:

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Total 36 comments
  • NewIDTest

    100% proof alright, that you’re a lying moron. For Jesus, of course. What a joke.


      Cool story man!

      This is what CHESS wrote:
      America, it’s people, it’s economy and it’s gay presidente as well as all the vets that were nialated by the Afghans during the war lost by America, has now been classified as “JUNK”, according to the South African National newspaper. This is hilarious to say the least.
      The obama administration wanted to setup a meeting with the South African honorable president and he was denied access to South Africa. They say that South Africa has only political ties with China, Russia, Brazil and India and requested that America and it’s president stay out of South Africa totally. Incidentally barrack Hussein gay Obama was denied access to Africa!
      Hilarious if you ask me. America is a looser in total and now the laughing stock of the world! There is NO respect for any American anywhere in the world at all, neither for the baby draw the red line president of America anymore!

  • NewIDTest

    Wow! You changed the headline. We morphed from “100% Proof” the NWO or some such crap is beaming waves that control everybody’s brains to, now, a TOP SECRET patent, with a public abstract. Duh…


    • NewIDTest

      Breaking news! He, she or it is back to the original headline. “TOP SECRET Document Busted WIDE Open: 100% Proof the NWO is Using Brain Frequencies to Control The Masses and You Won’t Believe the OTHER Secrets it Harbors (Jaw Dropping Video)” Though hugely more deceptive, in the outrageous sense, than the morphed “top secret patent blown to bits” (with a public abstract) interim headline, the big lie for Jesus must have the most click pull.

  • IMC

    I’m selling aluminum foil helmets for only $20 a piece so that people can protect their selves from this type of technology.

    • NewIDTest

      Wish you’d come along sooner. It’s quite obvious most Beforeitsnews commentators and “reporters”… excuse, choked on typing that… are already brain addled beyond repair, by the NWO beam of retardation.

      You do have an ideal product to advertise here. I’ve never understood what some of the mainstream businesses, of the reality based world, are hoping to sell here. My theory is they don’t sell anything to the moronic and delusional demographic. After all, anything mainstream is an automatic plot of the NWO. Unless an article is something nobody could possibly prove, in even a courtroom held at an insane asylum, hardly anybody even clicks. But tin foil hats or helmets? I think you’re really on to something! Don’t forget your product needing to adjust to smaller than usual hat sizesl.

      • Doggoneit!


    • Sure selling your hats off won’t lessen the ensamble look of your full tin-foil suit wardrobe libtard?

      • ensemble…. not ensamble…. :lol: you had it going pretty good there then tripped at the finish line.. :lol:

  • Sorry to burst your bubbles on this one losers but she’s right. Your internal voice is not yours anytime those with the power wan’t to replace it with one of their choosing.

    • NewIDTest

      We’ll start you out on 5 mg. Zyprexa. Then, we’ll progress to 10 mg. in a few days. While there are no guarantees, chances are for a good prognosis. It’s usually found that, within a few weeks, 68% of patients cease to see NWO messages in their alphabet soup.

      • It’s as simple as just massively modulating the sound that you get in the centre of your brain when wearing earphones. And it extends beyond language.

    • Yes Mirabolin, you know.

      The math is very simple too. Phi 60 Tori array. Scales perfectly. The TRICK is in the BEATS; Constructive, stable, destructive = Vortex SPIN…

      Anyone can retune (transmute and remove dissonant “energy”) with Phi. Use your spatial ability (Tesla-style), Know the Least and Extreme hyperbolic MEAN; see your Cosmic Egg in the Pentagram. Scales Perfectly…

      Knowing = Remedy

    • This is not a “Future Technology” it has been in use covertly for many years, check out Allan Frey, he first caused people to hear voices in their heads using Microwaves in 1961, this is just the extension of that.

  • Why do they need this when they can simply control the vast majority of people with a simple television set?

    • NewIDTest

      This is forever coming up at the Bilderberger meetings. It’s always the Nephilim and Reptilian attendees who argue enslaving a catatonic population is no fun, that people need to at least notice a few things. Working for Elvis and Bigfoot, they consistently get their way. Speaking of TV sets, contrary to what you read here, it is universally accepted in the NWO people need not be forcibly rounded up for the FEMA camps. Secret is, Domino’s delivery vehicles, pulling TV sets broadcasting football or American Idol, will be sufficient to lure the masses of people to the camps.

    • They need this because the vast majority of people are no longer glued to their TV all day, TV has been replaced by Smart Phones and Computer Games for 90% of the population, and since the other 10% do not watch TV, own a Smart Phone, or play Computer Games, they are no longer guaranteed 100% success using the old methods, doing it this way guarantees that no-one will be missed out.

  • mitch51

    Little black dress = 10.

    Journalistic skill = 0.

    I am so conflicted here.

    • Lisa occasionally has some really good articles on here. Easy on the eyes is an additional plus.

    • That new Photo of Lisa was taken at a NWO aka Israeli/Rothschilds/Luciferian Dinner Party, but i did notice when i blew-up the photo she cut her partner out of the photo, Lyn Leahz to where only his shoulder is showing.

  • DK

    :cool: I prepped right then. I may have to put asbestos on my Tin Foil Hat to proof against Yellowstone doom after all painting it white reflected ISON in November.

    TFH are great, all you have to spend on them are cents at adapt to whatever doom articles the NWO dumps on the media and they always work, nothing ever happens :wink:

    • NewIDTest

      I’ve switched to plastic wrap, and still nothing on Beforeitsnews happens.

      • DK

        You have to switch to classic view, then go through the sections, some really interesting articles on self sufficiency and politics such as (/politics/2014/06/tehama-county-votes-to-secede-from-california-2627300.html), not many mainstream media like the idea of counties ceeding from a state to form another state either, after all there is no upper limit to the number of state which could be created by leaving a bankrupt entity.

  • Like the person who wrote this article has a perfect brain. She lives in a world of FEAR!

  • eagererin

    This is very believable. There is an abundant amount of PROVEN scientific evidence re: Monarch programming and many other related methods of mind control implemented by our government. As well as numerous actual victims that have related their horrific experiences. Research targeted individuals. It’s very real. Just look at most of today’s musicians, (if you can call them that), actors, etc. If you are even partially perceptive, they’re programed, puppet minds easily detectable. For those on here that scoff at these proven theories, why come to this site in the first place? Just keep your head buried in the sand with all the other sheeple to be herded into the FEMA camps and finally into your disposable coffin to be shared with 3 others. I suppose no one believes their existence, either, despite voluminous documentation and pics. NASA actually released a shocking document outlining their plan to depopulate the world. Public figures have made many announcements on this issue, as well. The Georgia guide stones are yet another public display of their agenda, along with the lovely murals at DIA above their underground fortress. There is a plethora of this and more info available for viewing and warning, yet the sheeple are still in denial. The Bible does foretell of these events, as it has many others for centuries. Line up, folks. Camp Fema busses are coming for you all soon! Enjoy…

  • U lost me when you edited obummers speech….don’t believe any of your articles…sorry

  • Thanks for this one Lisa! I might have missed it, but do you have a patent number for this? I know that it is real… whats worse is that it is in place. wifi, cell phones, blue tooth. All on your person, or within range 24-7. when you know the truth, they mock you and do their best to make you look crazy……. Time for the REAL, not proverbial Tin Foil Hat’s my friends.

  • Welcome to the matrix.

    will it be the red pill or blue ?

    Satan’s matrix for summoning their so called prince. They used technology like this in Iraq and they would hear voices making them think god is speaking to them. Illusions after illusions

    So true is the thread . its freaky of what they can do with the science they have today and as history repeats itself its in the wrong hands gods wrath is on its way.

    Who has this technology ? and who does it benifit? Well the army has it and sacrificed poor innocent jews in ww2 so they rise and make the state of isreal and in the process trap them.

    this NWO only stands for the people who worship one law. do as thou wilt.

    me nor you nor any practical religous person is on their spared list.

  • Slanted in your own twisted way bah.

    Well I went through the patent, this is really stop the press news by the way it was set in 1999, even the latest fee was done in 2011 so if it is being used then its already being done. Perhaps something or someone beams article ideas into heads of un suspecting ‘reporters’ who then think they have the news topic of the century and of course their way is the only way, remind you guys of any reporters around here? LOL
    below is the legal events concerning the patent provided by lisa , I was surprised a real source for a change instead of bible quotes and opinion with other peoples you tube videos as ‘proof’
    Date Code Event Description
    1 Dec 2011 AS Assignment
    Effective date: 20111120
    22 Jun 2011 FPAY Fee payment
    Year of fee payment: 12
    21 Jun 2007 FPAY Fee payment
    Year of fee payment: 8
    27 Jun 2003 FPAY Fee payment
    Year of fee payment: 4
    25 Jan 1999 AS Assignment
    Effective date: 19981207

  • This story is supported by a report I heard about 20 years ago. An employee for a military contractor announced that the CIA had succeeded in sending ‘messages’ across the earth by thought. It required a receiver that contained as part of its circuitry a piece of DNA from the sending agent. The agent was able to ‘think’ very simple thoughts like ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and successfully transmit to the receiver. In the test he described an agent in Russia sent a message with 90% accuracy to a receiver in Texas. I remember how credible this guy seemed and believed the report to be true.

  • I have to laugh, after reading all the deniers comments below. Just goes to prove that. like posters on Christian posts/websites, they go out of their way to ridicule anyone who disagrees with their own “intelligent” thoughts … and I do use “intelligent” in the loosest of terms.

    Do I care what any denier has to say or whether he, she or IT disagrees with all that’s written? Nope! Do I even believe all that this Before It’s News has to say? Nope! But .. one thing to think about. There are MANY old conspiracy theories that are now proven to be fact, rather than theory. Just something to think about, with anything one reads on the internet.

  • This is all very consistent with 1976 vision given to Mary Baxter as she writes in Divine Revelations of Hell. The Beast will erase the memories of those submitting to him through a sophisticated mind eraser device.

    That’s why we ALL of us need to look in and study the Word of God daily. As the end times draw near, you need to be shielded from these darts of the enemy.

    The end of the very tasty content we see in media is filth and rot. Believe and receive. The battle to overcome begins in your thought life.

  • This stuff is true ! I bought a brain wave machine back in the 80s . It could use it to put you to sleep and then use mood scape Tapes and send you on a journey . I could also increase learning and energy using the right frequencies . Rife frequencies also prove this technology . ELF towers are being built in almost every town for the purpose of frequience control of weather , minds , diseases , protection as a force shield ( border control like at the Mexican border ) and any other thing frequencies can be used for . Even shattering glass or what ever they so choose like the singer that explodes the glass when hitting the right frequency . Everything has a frequency , find that frequency and you control that substance or being . The news had and artical about a billboard that could talk to your mind with out a sound being heard . Freaked out the people passing by . Your mind emits frequencies as you think . Our chief ordered more money to be used for brain mapping . A technology that maps the frequencies of thought and figures out what action goes with them . Air plane pilots are now using brain wave technology to fly the planes and man the guns in areal dog fights . Believe me we are in trouble once they get their chip in your hand or forehead ( which has been set up for every American in 2017 ) . You will be their remote control idiot for what ever they so choose .

  • Hope they like P0rn and the NFL.

  • That’s why they want to chip all human population.
    Susan Reed RIP wrote important book, and the plan is already there.
    Here Ettissh starts to talk. Selfishly, he gave away some of their plans. They want this planet for themselves and in order to have it, they must kill us off first. This will be achieved via an implant and they plan to implant everyone with a microchip. The implant will replace an identity card (the most likely route) or credit card. Right now, steps are in place to remove money so that credit or money cards alone are our only options.

    13. Weapons.
    13. (a) I have personal experiences with most of these weapons.
    13. (b) Weapon # 1 is used to kill and it appears as though the victim has had a heart attack, always at night. Time of death is 2.40 a.m. or soon afterwards.
    13. (c) Weapon # 2: Lethal. Creates a stroke. A wavelength is used that transfers a chemical which create blood clots.
    13. (d) Killing in groups; their London meeting takes place in the Royal Albert Hall as Freemasons. Opponents are killed using weapon Numbers 1 and 2.
    13. (e) Weapon # 3: Non-lethal, temporary effect. Suddenly out of nowhere, you feel very disorientated and unable to function normally. A hand held device no bigger than a credit card is used to fire toxic energy/substance. Usually fired from a distance. Could be used against public speakers.
    13. (f) Weapon # 4 – Non-lethal, permanent effect. Causes general debilitation including depression, mind suppression, tension, and dullness. Given between the hours of approximately 12.00 noon until 10.00 pm, there is a peak at approximately 3.00 pm. The afternoons are the worst. Work output is reduced.
    13. (g) Weapon # 4A: Mass toxic energy/substance put in the atmosphere to suppress us all. Sent between the hours of 12 noon until 10 p.m. approx.
    13. (h) Weapon # 5: Non-lethal, permanent effect. This causes anxiety resulting from harmful vibrations given into the body and a timer is involved. There is a break between 9.00 p.m. and 5.00 a.m. at night
    13. (i) Weapon # 6: Non-lethal, temporary effect. Used at night at 2.40 am. Creates tension.
    13. (j) Weapon # 7: Non – lethal, permanent effect. Creates depression. Used on activists.
    13. (k) The source of some of their weapons is a machine attached to their space stations.
    13.(l) Harming using their minds. Visualisations.
    13. (m) Enhanced witchcraft. Black witchcraft combined with E. L. F radio-wave enhancement.


    We must STOP THEM! OR?

  • Chips in the brain is old news. Psycho techno geeks want to be more robot than human, such is the caliber of self-hating and loathing.

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