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Which New World Order Do You Prefer? +Videos

Thursday, August 27, 2015 13:02
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By Gene Lawley

You have heard the statement that “for every action there is an equal reaction,” or something similar to that. The contrast of good versus evil fits in that category of discussions. We can see the truths of John 10:10 reflected in current events regularly. That Scripture says this: “The thief only comes to steal and to kill and to destroy, but I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” These are the words of Jesus.

Since the days of Cain and Abel, we have seen these contrasting positions. It became magnified at the Tower of Babel and has been expanding since that time. That Tower was constructed in the plains of Shinar in Assyria, the first head of the beast John saw in his account in Revelation 13. It was the first kingdom to rule the known world. Note that John saw a beast of seven heads, but the seventh was not yet in existence.

In these last days of this age we are seeing and hearing of a drive toward a one world government that will be comprised of ten designated regions in which the world will be divided. The United States’ border problems actually stem from the dedicated commitment to that regional designation that is being developed.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) set up the North American Union as one region, the South American Union as another, the European Union, etc. for a total of ten across the world. If you have wondered why there is no closed border no matter who is in the oval office or in Congress, this is as close a possibility as exists. [1]

In this context the following quote from the memoirs of David Rockefeller bears repeating:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents …to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure–one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” —David Rockefeller, Memoirs.

In the final speech of his presidency, George H. W. Bush, along with many others, waxed eloquent on the wonders and grandeur of the coming New World Order, which he assured his audience, “It will be successful.” [2]

Likewise, Henry Kissinger expressed a hopeful note of expectancy that Obama’s election in 2008 would be the lead-in to a New World Order. [3]

In his speech in Ethiopia, at the end of his African tour in July, 2015, President Barack Obama was in a relaxed mood toward the end of it. He toyed with the fact that he is not allowed by the Constitution to run for a third term as president, but he was sure that if he could run, he would win it.

It brought to mind the twenty-one times he spoke of the lack of constitutional authority that held him back from declaring amnesty for the illegal aliens in America. Then, he abruptly issued an executive order that prohibits their deportation, which most claim is, in fact, illegal. Now, is he toying with issuing an executive order to become the U.S. dictator? [4]

A world government cannot have any single nation retain its sovereignty, not even the United States. [5] Therefore, these men, and those backing them, have intentions that are not that of returning the nation to the status established by our Founding Fathers. Any search of the Internet with pertinent keywords will turn up a multitude of references supporting this now “not-so-secret” intention of the global elite.

There was a time not so long ago that any mention of such things on a radio talk show would get the caller kicked off the program with an exclamation such as, “Get off my program, you nut-case!” Another quote from the memoirs of David Rockefeller is this: “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.”

So the complicity and cooperation of mainstream media, business leaders and government officials have been in full force for decades. The late Jim Tucker, investigative reporter with American Free Press and formerly The Spotlight, made it his prime goal to nose out the secret annual meetings of the global elite, the Bilderbergers, and expose them, their membership and their agenda. This link reveals astounding details of the real power brokers who are behind the scenes. [6]

It was after the end of the Cold War with Russia that he reported on their frenzied concern for what they were going to concentrate on in order to extract revenues from the populations of the world. They ultimately hit upon “global warming,” a world conference was set up in Rio de Janeiro,Argentina, and the program was underway. Now, having provided millions for Al Gore, it is known as “climate change” and both President Obama and Pope Francis maintain that it is the world’s greatest threat!

It turns out to be an ideal method of destroying the economy and the well-being of middle-class Americans while providing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other related governmental agencies, abundant fodder to expand their bureaucratic tentacles like an octopus engulfing its prey. Comments drifting out from employees of such offices, like, “If they find this little fish not really extinct, we will find another one,” tends to define the character of their purposes.

The farther one looks into this arena, the more it is like looking into a black hole, a bottomless pit of dark and devilish evil that is filled with the deepest immorality, occultism and Luciferian worship. To realize that some of the highest, well-known people of the world are part and parcel of this New World Order is more than one can even imagine.

Do a search for the membership list of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the feeder group for upper levels of the global elite, and check it out. You will find some strange member relationships that will raise your eyebrows, to say the least. There is no opposition party situation evident in those ranks. [7]

The question then remains: Is this the New World Order that you prefer?

Or, is there one that is filled with hope, goodness, righteousness, morality, purity, mercy and lovingkindness…and the love of God? Fortunately, yes, there is such a one, soon coming into reality. It is announced in Revelation 20, described in Zechariah 14, while Isaiah 65:25 tells us this:

“‘The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpent’s food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,’
says the Lord.”

It will run for a thousand years. It will be a theocracy under the kingship of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, who will rule the nations of the earth with a rod of iron from the throne of David in the city of Zion, Jerusalem, in Israel.

Satan will be bound with chains in the bottomless pit for that duration, and there will be peace on earth. It will be a world government, headed up by the Sovereign of the universe. Disobedience will be expressed by some, but punishment will be exacted. Yet, at the end of that time, Satan is loosed and he will quickly round up an army to confront the Sovereign Judge who will conquer that opposition with the Word of His mouth and close out that era of mortal human history, proving once again that mankind cannot endure without God’s intervention and redemption.

Those who belong to the Lord by having accepted Jesus into their lives now, even today, will share in this New World Order in service to Him and will be with Him in all eternity!

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