(Before It's News)
The Rothschild owned Economist magazine 2015 cover has caused quite a stir since it appeared. I do believe the elite are giving us cryptic messages of what they have planned but what are the messages.
Link to the cover picture https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/show_picture.pl?l=english&rais=1&oiu=http%3A%2F%2F2.bp.blogspot.com%2F-OvdWcy9i2vI%2FVKgPvA7k5kI%2FAAAAAAAAFZg%2F3c8z-dUUMhQ%2Fs1600%2FThe%252BEconomist%252B2015.jpg&sp=2e63722ca19e4365e50da6fd746aa8bb
I believe they have given us a timeline. At the bottom right of the picture is a portrait of a woman in a blood red dress. The Moon is considered feminine and clothed in a blood red dress, the blood moon. Ok which one, well there were two in 2015 but only one occurred at the same time as all the world leaders were gathered. 27-28 Sept 2015 all the leaders of the world were gather in New York at the UN for the General assembly. The woman’s portrait only shows a little more than half. The blood moon occurred from the evening of the 27th of Sept to the early morning hours of the 28th so we have the beginning marker for the timeline 28 Sept 2015. Hebrew is read from right to left. The next image is that of Alice from “Alice in wonderland.” Thanks to the article by William Frederick of the end-times forcaster http://endtimesforecaster.blogspot.co.nz/2015/10/the-umpqua-shootings-were-on-economist.html The city of Looking Glass is only a few miles from the school shooting site.
The next items are the much talked about arrows with 11.3 (right) 11.5 (left) on their fins. Using 28 Sept as the base and assuming days past the base 11 x 3 = 33 days. 28 Sept 2015 + 33 days = 31 Oct 2015 or Samhain, the illuminati’s highest sabat and human sacrifice night. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal20.htm we then proceed from the base date and using the 11.5 or 11 x 5 = 55 days. 28 Sept 2015 + 55 days = November 22nd or 11-22
Note: John F. Kennedy was assassinated on 11-22 in Dallas (on the 33rd parallel) giving the Illuminati signature of 11-22-33 (Vision, Action, Accomplishment).
The next image is that of a Jet car with the prominent label of “Castrol”, The Ghost behind Obama (who will disappear during Israel’s hour of need…. Sealing our fate), a Japanese sumo wrestler holding a battery showing polarity, followed by a strong Chinese panda flexing its muscles, the board game “Panic” with Federal Reserve listed and a falling chip, a Globe on a American football or Rugby ball displaying the BRICS nations, an image of Boobus Americanus staring at the mayhem and finally a drum set with an American flag pierced with a British guitar, a prominent “50” is on the drum set.
My interpretation of the events:
- I believe the end-times forecaster is right and the Alice figure represents the Looking glass, school shooting event. Through the looking glass being the sequel to Alice in Wonderland.
- 11.3 will be a mass death event for the illuminati human sacrifice. The events in Syria seem to be building towards an Isaiah 17 event. Isaiah 17:1 A prophecy against Damascus: “See, Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins.” I have no other evidence to say definitively that Damascus is the target but a gut feeling and also the following evidence for the next date. The Russian & Islamic forces would need an ‘excuse’ to invade Israel. I’m sure if Damascus was destroyed with a nuke, Israel would be blamed. We have seen these same people kill thousands with chemical weapons to attempt to blame Assad and start a war. I believe they have no regard for human life and are capable of anything.
- 11.5 will be the invasion of Israel. 11-22- on the 33rd parallel (Vision, Action, Accomplishment). Just like 9-11-1990 GHW Bush’s New World Order speech, The 11 (the Vision). 9-11-2001 The attack, bringing us the global war on terror, and a police state (the 22, the Action), 9-11-2012 our ambassador murdered and America does nothing, AMERICA Neutered! (The 33, Accomplishment) all 11 years apart. Why 11? Read Daniel 7:8, their God, the Antichrist, is the 11th horn. Please see the Bible code detective post on Israel betrayed. http://www.biblecodedetective.com/israel The event happens on a Sunday, 11-22-2015 is a Sunday and Israel sits on the 33rd parallel. Read this Brother Bob post put on Steve Quayle’s site. http://www.stevequayle.com/index.php?s=294&d=549 all the actors for this are now in place. ““Al, the Father showed me a strike coming against Israel; from the North (Lebanon) and the N E. (Syria).” It was a ‘blitz’, as in a heavy handed hammer attack upon Israel. It was fast, effective and devastating. There was Israeli blood flowing in rivulets on the battlefields. The flow of Israeli blood has not been witnessed like this before. The people knew this was not to be a quick war; but THE fight for survival.”
- With a major middle east war Oil prices would take off like a rocket, hence the Jet car labeled with a prominent “Castrol” ad.
- The ghost behind Obama is addressed in the Brother Bob post as well as the bible code. “The Govt of Israel pleads with America for weapons, ammo, and equipment. But the Obama Administration will do nothing. In fact Obama stands on the porch of the White House in an immaculate navy blue pinstripe suit, looking out over Pennsylvania Avenue; with his arms folded; exclaiming, “We did it. We’re going to finish off Israel; me and my Arab brothers. I got a pen and phone and I’ll stop the G… D… Israelis!” At that very moment, as Obama uttered those words, God Almighty stood up in front of his throne in Heaven, and declared, “I RULE; NOT YOU! YOU DAMN ME AND MY LAND? THEN I SHALL DAMN AND CURSE YOU! I RAISE KINGDOMS UP AND I BRING THEM DOWN! I AM GOD, NOT YOU!” When this happens, by the hand of God, global finance starts to collapse; starting with the dollar. There will be nothing but chaos in America! A domino effect will happen as global finance crashes around the world. And Putin and China know there’s nothing the US can do to help Israel. “The Shimita (spelling) judgments [which have been talked about recently] begin.”
- Japan switches it allegiance to China or possibly Japan is brought low, detroyed by natural disasters.
- China flexing its muscles while the US economy crashes hence the Panic game board.
- The American drum set, America has been the drummer leading the world. We are now in the 50th year, the Jubilee and the British Rothschild apparatus is now going to take down the USA.
For those that don’t think this cover means anything, please look at this Rothschild owned economist Magazine picture from 1988. A symbolic Phoenix ( A mythical bird reborn from its own ashes) standing over a burning pile of national currencies with a medallion around its neck marked 2018.
Next the Phoenix towers in china with a completion date of … 2018 3300 feet tall?
Before the elite parade this new currency out for us sheeple they have to make us WANT it. They must cause the chaos to drive the sheeple in the direction they want.
Lastly Just because this is the elites plan doesn’t mean it is going to happen. The LORD is in control and decides what is to happen… not the elite.
Please, get to know Jesus Christ as LORD and savior of your life.
John 14:6 Jesus said, “ I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Other: Notice the Naval officer in the back of the Politicians near the Missle. He is giving the Masonic “grand hailing of Distress” www.ephesians5-11.org/handshakes.htm
Nice reading. Thank you!
Sometimes a magazine cover is just the result of a team’s imaginations… and not a set of clues for world domination. Why do so many believe the elite would broadcast its intentions to us in advance? I believe only God has been doing that, and even HE chooses to veil the clues sometimes.
But guessing that Damascus might fall, or that oil prices or China might rise up, or that WWIII could happen soon – these are all reasonable guesses based on current events. If you want forecasts based on ancient events and prophecy, consider: End Times and 2019 or Antichrist 2016-2019
Sell your book elsewhere.
The cluckler is right. You peddle your book like that french fruitcake peddles his nonsenses
Hello Dave, I do believe the elite give us hints of what is to come, what they have planned. The LORD is in control though and it is He that decides whether it takes place. I’ve ended nearly all my posts with John 14:6 because THAT is what it is all about. That is why we are here on Earth, to make that one decision, Jesus or the World (Lucifer). Back to the cover, while reading the End Times Forecaster article I had a very strong feeling that this is the message and felt I had to post.
God Bless
Revelation of the Method
The elite’s do tell us through their books and publications, movies and news releases what they are doing – this is called Revelation of the Method. If you are too stupid to recognize it for what it is that is your problem from their point of view. It is a form of ritual mocking of the victim.
“required by THEIR god (Lucifer) to tell you.”
“Why do so many believe the elite would broadcast its intentions to us in advance?”
Dave, do you know why they broadcast their intensions to us? Because they think the majority of the general public are too stupid to figure it out on there own! They think themselves as gentlemen and giving fair warning of future events. Thanks to articles like this, we may all know what the NWO may be up to. Me thinks you may be peddling your book too much.
Hey, here’s an idea Dave, the end is near so why not make the book free for all to read online.