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The New World Order and How They Manipulate the World!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 13:42
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(Before It's News)

Have you ever heard of the ‘New World Order’? If not, you must have been living under a rock or be less than ten years old. Have you seen the following films – the entire Matrix Trilogy, Network, They Live, the Terminator, Lucy, and Chappie? All of these films are basically about a network of other people, aliens or something else that are manipulating the entire human race.

If you have ever thought for just one second that someone out there is planning your life and is controlling everything that happens today, welcome to the conspiracy club. The following are some of the organizations that have been thought to be part of this world-wide effort to control the masses:


  • Council on Foreign Relations

  • Skull and Bones

  • Knights Templar

  • Bilderberg Group

  • Trilateral Commission

  • Committee of 300

  • Freemasonry

  • Priory of Sion

  • Illuminati

  • Bohemian Grove


The New World Order (NWO) theorists believe that through a number of NWO type organizations there is a super-secret elite that are planning to rule the world. They think they will form an authoritarian world government that will eliminate all sovereign nation states. Before you write this off think of what is happening in our world today. There are riots all over the planet, food shortages, global strife in virtually every nation and several wars in play currently. To persons who believe in any conspiracy theory, the Illuminati or alien abductions these problems will lead to an inevitable conclusion that someone is controlling it.


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Total 1 comment
  • The best part of the article is the question of how can these people work together and still be enemies when it suits them to be.

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