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The video speaks for itself. Fake news versus truth. Conspiracy theories versus truth. Crazy liberals! It’s interesting to watch Democrat officials getting hoist on their own petard.
Now it’s true that Mr. McCulloch, a Democrat, certainly didn’t share the politically correct meme that falsely claimed that Michael Brown had his hands up when shot, but he’s certainly a little more outspoken now, as if the gloves are finally off, with President Trump in charge of the DOJ.
In the above video, McCulloch calls what the filmmaker alleges “silly.” He goes a little further in a news article published after “peaceful protests” resumed in Ferguson, resulting in an attempt to blow up a police car and an assault on an officer:
“It’s not as though (this footage) was hidden away somewhere, as this fellow with his video project was trying to say,” McCulloch said. “Even his pathetic video shows the police report where he got the information. It’s all there, and it’s been there since 2014. It’s all available and not edited.
“This is a clear attempt to distort this and turn it into something it isn’t … There was no transaction, but there certainly was an attempt to barter for these goods, but the store employees had no involvement in that, and when he left, they put everything where it belonged … It’s very clear there was no transaction between Mr. Brown and the store employees and to suggest he’s coming back to get what he bartered for is just stupid.” [emphasis added]
Wow. If only authorities under Obama had spoken out as clearly when the original incident was being similarly distorted, then so much pain and racial division may have been avoided.
Even now, with authorities finally, firmly telling it like it is, “peaceful protests” continue. These lies and distortions must stop, for the good of all of us.