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An Argument For Increasing The Voting Age To 30

Saturday, March 25, 2017 7:58
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Democrats have succeeded in reducing the voting age. Now we have children deciding who will be elected and how much you will pay in taxes. I have contended for a long time that young people do not have the maturity nor have their brains completely developed until about age 30. It is refreshing to see that they, themselves, also see their immaturity.

“At What Age Do Millennials Consider Themselves Adults? The Answer Will Stun You.”

A new report has found that millennials don’t consider themselves adults until they reach the age of 30.

Yes, you read that correctly.

According to The Wrap, research compiled by David Poltrack, CBS’ chief research officer and their ratings expert, as well as Nielsen Catalina Solutions, found that millennials consider themselves adults at age 30 because that’s when they typically are completely responsible for themselves – they no longer reside with their parents and pay entirely for their own bills.”

From the Daily Wire


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Total 1 comment
  • if people have to be responsible for their own bills, their own lives at 18, then voting age (no matter how dumb we older people think they are) is exactly where it’s at… correctly where it is at. You can’t give all the responsibility and no “reward”, in my humble O.

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