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British Parliment Moves To Outlaw Sidewalks?

Sunday, March 26, 2017 5:09
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More Brits are mowed down while standing on the sidewalk, then the driver tries to drive away.
But of course it’s not terror-related.
Knife-wielding teenagers driving a Peugeot Partner ploughed into revellers queuing for a pub and ‘knocked them over like dominoes’ in a horrifying attack in Islington.

Two men and one woman were injured on the lively Essex Road in north London before the driver and passenger sped off then got out and fled on foot.


Police who found one knife on the pavement and one knife in the car arrested four males, aged between 17 and 19, on suspicion of GBH with intent and of possession of points and blades.

With tensions high after four innocent people were killed in a terror attack on Westminster Bridge on Wednesday, police insist last night’s incident was not terror related.

Story here.

Actually there is no mention of the suspect driver’s racial, ethnic or religious background. It just seems like the most dangerous places in the world right now are the sidewalks of England’s cities.


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