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By fousesquawk (Reporter)
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The ANTIFAS Are Here

Monday, March 6, 2017 13:41
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(Before It's News)

-Gates of Vienna

It looks like we have a new group of radical lefties to get used to on our shores. Meet the ANTIFAS (Anti-Fascists). This motley organization has its roots in Europe where they were formed in recent years to counter rising anger over the immigrant fiasco and the resultant crime wave in Europe.

The ANTIFA movement, is hardly what its name implies. On the contrary, they use fascist methods to make their point. They are loud and they get violent. Now they have sprouted up here. Just in the past few days, they have shown up to protest President Trump in Denver and Nashville. Gates of Vienna has the report.

Keep your eye out for this. You’ll know them when you see them (and hear them).


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