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This ought to be good: Governor Christie is on Tucker Carlson’s show tonight

Friday, March 24, 2017 16:50
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(Before It's News)

Governor Chris Christie will be a guest Tucker Carlson Tonight on FoxNews at 9pm, according to announcement from Christie’s office.

The topic will be the fiasco of the RyanCare vote and the “surveillance mayhem” surrounding President Trump, according to the promo on the FoxNews site.  Charles Krauthammer will also be appearing on the show.

Christie might be going on the show at the behest of the President.   Or, given the bad week or so the Trump Administration has had, Christie could be making a case that he would be doing a better job advising Trump and steering the agenda than either Steve Bannon or Reince Priebus are doing.  For all of Christie’s faults and horrible approval ratings by those of us who know him best, I have no doubt Trump Administration would be on stronger footing and would have handled the healthcare bill very differently.

I doubt the appearance will get adversarial between Carlson and Christie.  But it sure would be fun to watch if that happened.

Set your DVRs New Jersey.


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