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By The Pirate's Cove (Reporter)
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Warmists Need Safe Spaces To Protect Them From ‘Climate Change’ Mental Danger

Friday, March 24, 2017 13:58
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(Before It's News)

Man up, buttercup. Put your big boy/girl pants on

The Problem With Climate Catastrophizing

Climate change may or may not bear responsibility for the flood on last night’s news, but without question it has created a flood of despair. Climate researchers and activists, according to a 2015 Esquire feature, “When the End of Human Civilization is Your Day Job,” suffer from depression and PTSD-like symptoms. In a poll on his Twitter feed, meteorologist and writer Eric Holthaus found that nearly half of 416 respondents felt “emotionally overwhelmed, at least occasionally, because of news about climate change.”

For just such feelings, a Salt Lake City support group provides “a safe space for confronting” what it calls “climate grief.”

The rest of the article is too involved in the nuttbaggery of the Cult of Climastrology and how they are beyond unhinged and making themselves paranoid nutjobs. If you cannot read it at the above link, Climate Depot has it reproduced in full.


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