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By It Don't Make Sense
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Does Kim Jung Have a Teachable Moment?

Saturday, April 8, 2017 16:18
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Assassinating the leader of a sovereign nation has been publicized as a viable option in the US media.

This is designed to catch someone’s attention.

If this leader has any brains at all, he will accept this as a warning and calm the hell down.

The new Sheriff is not about to put up with his nonsense.

The National Security Council has presented President Donald Trump with options to respond to North Korea’s nuclear program — including putting American nukes in South Korea or killing dictator Kim Jong-un, multiple top-ranking intelligence and military officials told NBC News.

If he doesn’t take a chill pill, it is very likely that a Tomahawk has been prepared with his name on it. I assume the Chinese have been advised and have signed off on it conditionally … that we warn the little prick what is going to happen.

Story here.


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