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National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week April 9-15, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017 4:51
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This week, from April 9th through the 15th, is National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. 

Macon Media salutes those who are the voice in the dark that people reach out to for help, the voice that guides public safety personnel to where they need to be when seconds count. These people work in obscurity, providing the link between those who need help and those who can provide it.

They are the vital link between the person calling, and the emergency services arriving on scene.

They never know what’s going to happen at any given time when they answer the phone.

Sometimes they have to pry the information out of callers and other times they have to stop them from bombarding them with too much. Each call is as individual as the caller; no two calls are ever the same, no two days are the same.

The telecommunicators at the Macon County Emergency OPerations Center (EOC) make a difference in the lives of thousands of Maconians every year.


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