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No One Needs an AR-15

Saturday, April 8, 2017 4:01
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By M62 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Scary, scary assault gun.

No one needs assault weapons. Why do you need an AR-15? Only criminals need these high-powered assault guns designed to kill a lot of people very quickly!

That’s what gun grabbers will tell you. As arbiters of what you need, they arrogantly remind you that this evil, high-powered assault gun, which you can spray fire indiscriminately and consequently kill multiple nuns and small children, should be banned, because no one needs it.

Until one does.

Three would-be robbers were shot and killed Monday when an Oklahoma homeowner’s son opened fire on them with an AR-15, authorities said.

Wagoner County sheriff’s deputies were called to the home in Broken Arrow, southeast of Tulsa at around 12:30 p.m. local time. When they arrived, they found the three dead suspects and two uninjured residents.


Mahoney said the suspects encountered the homeowner’s 19-year-old son, who opened fire after an exchange of words. Two of the suspects died in the home’s kitchen while a third was found in the driveway.

Subsequent updates to the story say the shooter was actually 23 years old, and the suspects were armed, with one wielding a knife, and another brass knuckles. To give the Washington Post credit, they did not hyperventilate over “assault” weapon use in this incident. They didn’t even mention the word. It’s nice to see.

Meantime, the Demented Mommies, Bloomberg, and other assorted gun-grabbing trash, I’m sure, are assiduously ignoring this story.

Filed under: Guns, self defense

Tagged: AR-15, assault rifles, assault weapon, self defense, shooting 


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Total 3 comments
  • An even better choice for home defense is a semi-auto 12 gauge.

  • Jay

    The AR-15 is the perfect home defense weapon , especially for women. It’s semi auto capability is a plus and with a full mag you don’t have to worry about reloads that could cost you and your family dearly. It’s very presence can detour a criminal from aggression .

  • Ar-15 is an overrated gun. I went with an M-1 SOCOM 16. Short, handy and very accurate. Same mags available and in a bigger caliber…

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