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By Moonbattery (Reporter)
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Science Versus Pseudoscience

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:33
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(Before It's News)

For once it is impossible to place global warming ideology on the left:


As reader Jack Bauer notes, they might also mention that science makes data readily available for peer review, whereas pseudoscience obstructs, distorts, substitutes, or erases data as necessary. Science establishes a theory based on empirical evidence derived from using the scientific method, whereas pseudoscience proclaims politically motivated beliefs as nondebatable facts, and claims a consensus of virtually all scientists, as though science is merely the result of people voting whether or not something is true.

On a tip from Torcer. Hat tips: Right Wing News, Pirate’s Cove, and Climate Depot, and The Skeptics Guide to the Universe.


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