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The U.S. Learned An Important Lesson From The Missile Strike In Syria

Sunday, April 9, 2017 7:01
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Assad shouldn’t put too much reliance on Russia for safety. Tomahawk missiles are not new technology. From the map below it appears that both the targeted air base and the ships that launched the missiles were within range of the growlers.

“Why didn’t Putin’s Growlers intercept Trump’s Tomahawks? Russian leader’s missile protection system failed to prevent attack on Syrian airfield”

Vladimir Putin has deployed the S-400 Growler missile system to the Latakia Airbase in northern Syria which provides coverage over a 250-mile range including the target airbase

The Tomahawks, which have a range of 690 miles can skim the surface of the earth and take a complicated route to a target to avoid possible interception.

However, President Trump gave the Russians advanced notice of the attack before the 1,450kg missiles struck the air strip.
Russia deployed the advanced air defence systems after a Turkish F-16 shot down a Russian Sukhoi-24 bomber in November 2015 after it encroached Turkish airspace.”

More at the UK Daily Mail


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