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Would Susan Rice Take A Bullet For Valerie Jarrett?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 11:47
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(Before It's News)

Or Barack Obama? Someone ordered the collection of telephone calls between Donald Trump, his staff, and other people. It went on for more than a year. Mike Cernovitch says that it was Susan Rice who ordered the collection of data.


Cernovitch is a less than stellar reporter. His sources for the story that Rice was the culprit were not the intelligence community. No, his sources were someone in the New York Times and someone in Bloomberg news.

Maggie Haberman had it. She will not run any articles that are critical of the Obama administration.”

“Eli Lake had it. He didn’t want to run it and Bloomberg didn’t want to run it because it vindicates Trump’s claim that he had been spied upon. And Eli Lake is a ‘never Trumper.’ Bloomberg was a ‘never Trump’ publication.”

“I’m showing you the politics of ‘real journalism’. ‘Real journalism’ is that Bloomberg had it and the New York Times had it but they wouldn’t run it because they don’t want to run any stories that would make Obama look bad or that will vindicate Trump. They only want to run stories that make Trump look bad so that’s why they sat on it.”

“So where did I get the story? I didn’t get it from the intelligence community. Everybody’s trying to figure out where I got it from. I got it from somebody who works in one of those media companies. I have spies in every media organization. I got people in news rooms. I got it from a source within the news room who said ‘Cernovich, they’re sitting on this story, they’re not going to run it, so you can run it’.”

“If you’re at Bloomberg, I have people in there. If you’re at the New York Times, I have people in there. LA Times, Washington Post, you name it, I have my people in there. I got IT people “

Just watch the first few seconds of Cernovitch gloating about his ‘Bombshell’:

What is the likelihood that he is being played? The conservative blogosphere is running with his story. The whole thing sounds to me like Rice is being sacrificed to protect someone bigger.


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