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Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 3/17/2017″

Thursday, March 16, 2017 22:17
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“Weekly News Wrap-Up 3/17/2017″
By Greg Hunter’s
“Somebody is lying about spying on Donald Trump. The Senate says they see “no evidence,” and yet the New York Times runs a story about revealing information that came from “wiretapping Trump aides.” Respected judge Andrew Napolitano says British Intelligence did the spying because it has 24/7 access to NSA records. The British Spy agency denies this charged. Bottom line, The Trump Administration is overtly and covertly under attack, and that is clear. Expect a counter attack and soon from the Trump camp.
The Federal Reserve hiked a key interest rate this week. Fed Head Janet Yellen said the “The simple message is, the economy is doing well.” Maybe somebody should have talked to the Atlanta Fed because it just revised the GDP in the first quarter down to .9% from a paltry 1.2%. That was just a few hours before Yellen made the rate hike announcement. Gold investors loved the rate hike as gold spiked in price. 
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Asia. The top subject is North Korea and its recent aggression aimed at Japan. Japan is now hinting at some sort of “first strike” against nuclear armed North Korea. Meanwhile, South Korea is installing the U.S. made missile defense system call THAAD. China is not happy about the missiles, and Tillerson will be stopping in China on his trip to Asia.
“Join Greg Hunter as he talks about these stories and more in the Weekly News Wrap-Up.”


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