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PFLP calls for wide participation in funeral of martyr Basil al-Araj

Friday, March 17, 2017 20:33
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The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine called upon the masses of the Palestinian people to converge in al-Walaja village to attend the funeral of the heroic martyred struggling intellectual Basil al-Araj, as he is buried on Friday, March 17 after his body was kidnapped by the occupation forces after they killed him as he resisted an invasion raid in el-Bireh at dawn on Monday, March 6, 2017.

The Front also urged Palestinians to organize rallies on Friday to coincide with the reception of his body and the funeral ceremony of the martyr, as tributes and symbolic funerals.

The Front said that mass participation in the burial of the struggler al-Araj and the organizing of symbolic funerals in Palestine and in exile represent a tribute to the martyr, upholding his values and principles as a leader among young Palestinians, dedicated to the culture of resistance as a way of life and as a means of resisting the occupation and all of its projects.

The entire Palestinian people, throughout the land of Palestine, in the West Bank, in Gaza, in occupied Palestine ’48, and in exile, emphasize that they will not forget one of their beloved, struggling sons who gave his soul as a martyr for Palestine, through mass participation in his funeral and dedication to the resistance and the principles for which Basil al-Araj struggled.


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  • Boo

    If you spend your whole life so brainwashed and fanaticized to a life lived to resist anything and everything for resistance sake alone, I’d expect being killed would be high on the list of ways one would end up dying. What a waste. I guess being an intellectual isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and doesn’t guarantee it will make room for common sense and street smarts.

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