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By CoyotePrime (Reporter)
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Tuesday, March 28, 2017 12:09
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(Before It's News)

by Michael Reagan

“Both parties in Washington can’t stop going down their favorite rathole. And the rest of us poor civilians from coast-to-coast and in-between have to watch – and suffer. The entire country has been poisoned by the constant “I hate you more than you hate me” bipartisanship from D.C., which throws around lots of charges and countercharges with virtually no solid evidence to back them up. Each party won’t stop digging their rathole.

President Trump continues to insist that President Obama ordered surveillance of Trump Tower last fall. The liberal media openly scoffs. Democrats continue to insist that the Trump campaign and the Russian hackers colluded to defeat Hillary Clinton. The liberal media openly fans the sparks of that conspiracy, assuming and hoping it’s true.

When it comes to each of these dumb ratholes, it doesn’t matter what the latest scoops or opinions from CNN or FOX News are. It doesn’t matter what the next reckless Republican or Democrat congressman says is or is not true about the surveillance of the Trump Tower, the FBI, collusion with the Russians, the weather or anything else.

Did some members of the Trump Team who were not named Flynn talk to Russians who may or may not have been spies or Putin cronies last year? Probably. Does it mean that a devious Trump-Russkie pact was made to wreck Hillary’s campaign – and successfully did so? Nope – and nope.

Were President Trump and/or his transition staff the “incidental” target of data collection by American intelligence agencies last year. Probably. These days just about every human who emails, texts, tweets or talks on a phone to any foreign citizen about anything is surveilled by some federal agency or other. But that doesn’t prove – or disprove – that the president’s infamous “Obama ‘wiretapped’ Trump Tower” tweet is accurate.

With each of these ratholes, it’s not “Where’s the beef?” It’s “Where’s the evidence?” Both sides are guilty. Democrats want you to hate Trump. Trump wants you to hate Democrats, even though he was one for most of his life.

Both sides are rolling around in this endless childish mud fight and we have to sit and watch it. It’s sent the whole country into a permanent state of political disunion and argument. Wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, golf and poker buddies, parents and kids – they’re all either arguing about politics or not talking to each other because of politics. All it takes is the mere mention of the T-word – Trump – to ruin a dinner or a coffee break.

It’s maddening and frustrating and it ticks me off to have to watch this crap. Conspiracy theories have left the fringes of the social media and are now playing out live every day in Washington. Each is pushing their own conspiracy theory and we all have to suffer because of it. As for the Trump-Russian conspiracy theory, the Democrat dogs in Congress won’t ever let go of that bone. The lack of evidence or proof doesn’t matter to them. They’d be happy to hold hearings from now until November of 2020.

President Trump can do his part to end at least half of the problem today. He can walk away from the whole Obama-wiretapping rathole and say, “Thanks for investigating, guys. Thanks for letting me know Trump Tower was not wiretapped by Obama, as I was led to believe.” Trump needs to accept the truth and publicly say, “Hey, the Democrats didn’t wiretap me.” And Democrats need to say, “Hey, there was no collusion with the Russians.” And then they both need to get on with the important business of fixing the country.”


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