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“ISIS” Video With John Cantlie (“John can’t lie”) Shows White Helmets and Describes them as “Islamic State Fire Brigade”

Monday, April 10, 2017 9:17
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(Before It's News)

by Scott Creighton

Let’s just start off where we will finish. The White Helmets, everyone’s new darlings, are actually the Islamic State Fire Brigade a.k.a. “ISIS”. It’s not 6 degrees of separation. It’s not a video of some guys hanging out with al Qaeda cutting off a kid’s head in the back of a truck. They are literally “ISIS” and don’t take my word for it, that’s what their official spokesman described them as before the “White Helmets” propaganda was even created…

So the White Helmets won an Academy Award huh? And their latest video showing them bravely assisting the victims of the “chemical weapons attack” in Syria are what motivated President Trump to bomb a SAA air strip in order to assist al-Qaeda in their efforts in northern Hama, huh?

Image result for white helmets syrian chemical weapons attack

And everyone says we have to continue to fight “ISIS” and then start our regime change plan in earnest again, right?


Below is an “ISIS” propaganda video from 2014 which features John Cantlie, British citizen, “reporting” from somewhere talking about how everything is better living under “ISIS” control and he even stops at a bullshit ragtag booth they set up to supposedly hand out the day’s official “ISIS” group think propaganda. In case you forgot who John was, he was one of MANY Brits who by happenstance of course, ended up being the spokespeople for “ISIS”

Supposedly kidnapped and made into a hostage, he made a total of eight propaganda pieces for “ISIS” over his regime change propaganda career.

An eighth propaganda video of British hostage John Cantlie giving a tour of the Iraqi city of Mosul has been released by the Islamic State (Isis). The photojournalist presents the documentary-style clip in English, claiming that “life in Mosul is business as usual” and that media reports suggesting the city is “depressed” and “living in fear” are “misleading”. Guardian

In this video someone on Youtube found, John walks around talking about a drone strike he claims the US did and he talks about how evil America is and all that before a couple guys in rescue gear walk behind him. You see a number of them in the background prior to this point, but these two walk so close by, he feels he has to mention them.

John “Can’t Lie” says “the fire brigade, the Islamic State Fire Brigade are here trying to clean up the mess” and behind him when he says that are these guys:

Those guys are the only responders you see in the video. They are the only ones wearing rescue gear. They are the only ones there to “clean up the mess” ergo, they are the ‘Islamic State Fire Brigade’ as in the “ISIS” rescuers of “ISIS” terrorists.

And now who are they?

They are the British funded, George Soros backed , Academy award winning White Helmets. “ISIS” in other words.

Here is the video:

Supposedly we are there to fight “ISIS” but we aren’t. We give them money (and lots of it), give them spokesmen (and lots of them), help them make fake beheading videos (I’m looking at you Rita Katz), give em academy awards and bomb Assad’s forces when they make a video and say he dropped some chemical weapons on innocent little “BABIES!”

So, if you want to keep backing these bullshit claims about Assad being a dictator killing “BABIES!” for the fun of it (I’m looking at you Bernie Sanders you POS) you go right ahead and do so. Just remember though, everything you are talking about comes directly from a White Helmets propaganda video made by the Islamic State Fire Brigade otherwise known as “ISIS” and now operating under the new name…

the White Helmets.

Because the White Helmets are “ISIS” and don’t take my word for it. That’s what John Cantlie said his damn self and we all know he can’t lie.

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