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Mark Anderson: Despite Paul, Amash, and Massie the Republican Party is Not Open to Libertarianism

Wednesday, April 5, 2017 14:22
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(Before It's News)

Mark Anderson at Freedom Gulch:

The presidential election of 2016 left many of us disappointed. The election of Donald Trump represents a clear danger to individual liberty, but so too would have Hillary Clinton. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson was seen as a viable alternative for much of the summer due to his experience as governor of New Mexico, largely fiscal conservative and social liberal platform, and frankness about the role he sees the government playing in the daily lives of Americans.… Read more …


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Total 2 comments
  • I just played through the game mass effect Andromeda I see nothing much new, they surrendered the milky way that is big news./ We are still fighting, they loose something every day. Looks like a psy-op to me. These players are vulnerable when close to them, they are few and ill willing, nasty little Ants. Drone them with fire.

    • But you can clearly see the concept of a good light bearer. Not an evil one as we are living through it’s powers.
      And he was false he died David Rockefeller (a TAKEN NAME) May I have too dig deeper? The thing is you are not in the shadows anymore, continue with your evil just try it, then you will find your proper place amongst skeletons!

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