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Copiah County 12-Pointer

Friday, January 27, 2017 21:45
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(Before It's News)

Noel Cain was hunting in Copiah County when he shot his .45-70 and killed a 12-point buck.  He searched the blood trail for an hour with no luck and walked back to his house for help.  He took his four wheeler and his 10 month old German Sheppard, not thinking she would help.  She picked up the blood trail that he lost and went straight to him!  He loves his dog and will need to give her extra milk bones, maybe a steak or a deer leg!  Congratulations to Noel on a very fine buck in our great wild Mississippi outdoors! 

A mother, stepmother, grandmother and great grandmother who was taught deer hunting by my second husband, Bob, in my mid-forties. I’m still hunting today and loving it!


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