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American Queen Docked/Leaving and Northbound!

Friday, March 24, 2017 18:50
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(Before It's News)

I went down to the waterfront today near The Old Depot Museum around 1:00 to take pictures of the American Queen before she departed.  While standing there taking some pictures the Captain blew the whistle and I waved back!
She is docked in the Yazoo Diversion Canal at the waterfront.  To the right leads to the Port of Vicksburg and to the left leads out to the Mississippi River.
I made it up to one of the two parking garages and took a picture of the American Queen sideways turning around to head towards the Mississippi River.  The building in the mid far right (The Old Depot Museum) was where I took the two pictures shown above.

She is passing near the Exit from the waterfront and a hotel that will be opening soon.  Lake Centennial is in the background.
Passengers taking pictures and the enjoying the music from the calliope!

Heading out through the woods on both sides of the canal.

Here she comes heading to the Mississippi River.

Coming through and leaving our town till next Wednesday when she will return with her passengers along with the “America” riverboat and her passengers to tour our historic Civil War town for a whole day.
Took this picture of the American Queen from the Louisiana Circle northbound for her destination of Memphis, TN, and I headed home.  So great to see so many riverboats coming to our historic City of Vicksburg:  The Key To The South!

A mother, stepmother, grandmother and great grandmother who was taught deer hunting by my second husband, Bob, in my mid-forties. I’m still hunting today and loving it!


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