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Teton Park Road Winter Use Season to End

Thursday, March 16, 2017 4:28
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(Before It's News)

News and Adventure from Glacier National Park

On Monday, March 20, 2017 Grand Teton National Park road crews will begin the annual spring plowing of the Teton Park Road between Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountain Lodge. The plowing operations mark the end of over-snow access on the 14 mile stretch of road for the season. Visitors may continue to use other areas of the park for winter recreation such as cross-country skiing, skate skiing, and snowshoeing until snow conditions are no longer favorable.


For safety reasons, visitors may not access the Teton Park Road while plowing operations are underway. Rotary snow removal equipment and plows may be working at any time, and the roadway is therefor closed to all users at all times until further notice. Park rangers will enforce the temporary closure to ensure safe conditions for plow operators and visitors. Skiers and snowshoers using areas adjacent to the roadway are cautioned to avoid the arc of snow blown from the rotary equipment because pieces of ice and gravel can be thrown great distances.

Depending on weather, snow conditions, and plowing progress, the roadway will become accessible to activities such as cycling, roller skating, skateboarding, roller skiing, walking, jogging, and leashed pet-walking within the next few weeks. This change in road status will be announced publicly and signs posted at the road gates will be updated as appropriate. The road will open to vehicle traffic on Monday, May 1, 2017.

Other park roads such as Moose-Wilson Road, Signal Mountain Summit Road, Antelope Flats Road, River Road, East Boundary Road, Mormon Row Road, Two Ocean Road, and Grassy Lake Road remain closed to vehicle traffic when posted or gated in the spring. The opening dates of these roads vary from year to year and are dependent on weather, snow conditions, plowing progress, wildlife activity, and road conditions.

The paved multi-use pathways in the park are open whenever they are predominately free of snow and ice. For the most up to date information on park roads, visit



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