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Bigfoot Filmed in Backyard

Sunday, November 15, 2015 13:55
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Man films White Bigfoot in Backyard Posted 2/3/10 by Anonymous poster Bobywade. We [ SasquatchWatcher] spent a great deal of time on this authentication. It shows a White Sasquatch twice, once for 1.4 seconds at maybe 50 feet and again at maybe 20 feet. The second clip is unobstructed by branch, so it is very clear. It appears that two people are walking toward it. One with a flashlight and one with a camera. The coned head, brow ridge, tree peeking, high shoulders, nose to nape, long upper lip, hooded nose confirm this very quick but very good video.


Here is the information accompanying this video: “The owner’s story is that he knew of sightings of a white Bigfoot type creature in the area. When he heard a disturbance in his backyard of his wooded property, be brought a video camera and a flashlight out in hopes of catching the something on tape. When he heard the rustling of leaves in the distance he pointed his flashlight and camera at the spot, thus catching on creature on film. He claims he was 10 to 15 feet away from the creature. He says, ‘I never really expected to catch anything like that on video.’ The town has been confirmed as Carbondale, Pennsylvania.”

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