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Billy Meier UFOs, Oklahoma and Rock & Roll

Thursday, March 2, 2017 17:52
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(Before It's News)

A whole lot of shakin’ goin’ on and lots more to come

Thanks to Bill Wilson, I discovered a recent article by Andrew W. Grimshaw pertaining to Billy Meier. He posted a new one here, after our recent conversation. There’s also an earlier article about Meier and Semjase and rock and rock music in Grimshaw’s Oklahoma based, Red Dirt Report.

A Whole Lot of Shakin’ Goin’ On

Oklahoma of course is now experiencing earthquake threats comparable to California, which one again simply corroborate what Meier was told, and published, in 1976 (Contact 45).

It’s quite heartening to see that awareness of the Meier case is now being spread, despite the rigidly enforced ban on the case in the mainstream media.

Wendelle Stevens on the San Francisco Earthquake

I was sent a link to an excerpt of an interview in which included Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens’ account of reviewing the 11 photos of the coming San Francisco earthquake. You may find Stevens’ account of the details he observed in the photos to be interesting.

The interview it was included in was with notorious con man, George Green, as conducted by Kerry Cassidy, of Project Camelot. True to form with the UFO disinformation industry, Cassidy has gone out of her way to give charlatans like Green plenty of opportunities to spew his delusional lies and disinformation.

She wasn’t interested in interviewing me about the case when she learned that Meier wouldn’t do an interview with her. So, rather than creating an opportunity for her audience to learn the truth, and for her to pose questions and challenges, she perpetuates the betrayal of the truth for whatever profit and celebrity status she seeks.

Anything for the proverbial buck.

Illegal Immigration in Canada

I also just did this interview with Rob McConnell, in which we discussed current events in relation to Meier’s many decades of prophetic warnings, and things like how illegal immigration is no joke for our neighbors in the “Great White North”.

Important Note:

Scubbly is going out of business at the end of this month. So anyone wanting to get digital downloads of the collection of DVDs and ebooks about the Meier case should do so – here – as soon as possible!


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