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6 Easy Ways to Save Money Effortlessly

Friday, September 30, 2016 10:10
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Chances of saving money should be among the top list of any individual looking for opportunities to grow financially. Most people tend to use pay increases and monetary windfalls as a way of justifying in an increase in expenditure. There are some ways on how you can save money effortlessly. The following are some money saving tips that does not require you to struggle much every month.

1. Food Portion Control

Most people spend a lot of money on food than the necessary. Whether you typically cook or order your food from a restaurant or café, food portion control is a crucial way of saving money effortlessly. You should only cook or order an amount of food you can eat in one sitting unless you are a fan of leftovers. You will save hundreds and thousands of dollars through portion control. According to a research study, about 20 pounds of food is thrown away each month by an average U.S citizen. This translates to about $43 which is a lot of money that can be saved for other things.

2. Avoid pricey membership programs 

You need to do a cost saving analysis before considering some programs such as gym membership. For example, if you pay $ 100 monthly for a gym program and visit the facility ten times a month, it means that you are charged $ 10 per visit. Why should you spend more money on a gym membership program if you can get fit without visiting the gym?

3. Consider selling some stuff

Several valuable items are lying around your home or house that you are not using or have no intentions of using. You can sell them online using channels such as Craigslist or eBay. Through these mediums, you can sell just anything you want, ranging from used furniture, fine art, jewellery, gift cards and many others. If your items are less valuable, you can use a flea market or yard sale. You can also pawn your car for some quick money. Pawn shops have become among the best ways of accessing emergency loans. You can pawn variety of items, ranging from watercrafts to cars. However, truck and car pawn programs are the most common.

 4. Have Some Negotiation Skills 

Ranging from the market to service contracts, Negotiation skills are essential energy saving skills in almost every business transaction. You should always learn to negotiate for goods and services whose prices are not fixed. Similarly, you can save much money by purchasing your foodstuffs, groceries and other goods from local shops and vendors compared to supermarkets. This is because local stalls and shops allow you to negotiate for the prices of their products while supermarkets have fixed prices for the goods they sell.  
If you are overpaying for your services such as cell phone, cable, pest control and others, you need to re-negotiate Service Contracts with your service providers. You should reach out to the vendor and inquire from him/her about available cost-efficient options on the services they are offering you. Are they unwilling to give you a cost-effective solution? Kindly threaten them that you are going to change your service provider. Your threat will apparently move them and offer you better solutions. If they fail, make a move of your risk and change to a cost-effective service provider.   

5. Reduce your energy consumption 

Reducing your energy consumption enables you to save on energy expenses. The best way to go about this is through doing an energy audit. If you are tired of spending an excessive amount of money monthly on energy, then you need to call your utility provider for an energy audit. You can also consider doing it yourself by putting off energy appliances when not in use. For example, switch off the fridge and lights when you are not using them. Such devices attract higher electric bills. 

6. Stop smoking drinking and going out

You can save thousands if you quit smoking or drinking. Apart from contributing to your health problems, alcohol and cigarettes waste your money. Smoking and drinking are two habits that are hard to kick out. However, you can always refer to ways of stopping cigarette smoking or drinking. A typical tobacco addict spends a lot of money on cigarette products whose prices keep on rising. If you calculate the real cost of smoking, you can effortlessly boost your financial savings.

Setting saving goals is one of the steps towards generating wealth. Committing to ambitious saving goals can be easy if you can learn on ways of saving money effortlessly. The above are just a few of many methods of saving money. Though they may seem difficult to achieve, trying them consistently will make you perfect and enable you to save as much as possible. You need to decide on the duration you will require reaching each of the methods. 

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