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A Walk through Harry Coumnas One-Of-A-Kind Painting Studio in Iceland

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 0:07
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Thanks to talented artists and painters from all over the world, we have many special pieces which have transcended time and culture, & slated their place forever in art history. Among so many big names like Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, etc; Harry Coumnas is one name that silently speaks the depths of art. The hundred years old painter has many artworks to his credit. Every piece of art created by him has his fervor, desires, sorrows, and complexities flowing into it. 

Despite having made so many paintings in his life, Harry Coumnas never allowed his artwork be a part of others’ exhibitions or museums. One can only find his paintings in his studio located in Iceland. A walk through his one-of-a-kind studio is all that you need to know what makes Harry one of the greatest painters of all time. The main attraction of his studio is the ‘Wizard Wall’. It features hundreds of Wizard paintings wherein the images of people not only move, but also talk to other people, and leave the frame to enter some other painting. Want to know how self aware are these people in the pictures? Well, you got to visit Harry’s painting studio for that!

About Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a 100 years old painter whose paintings you can find only in his studio in Iceland. The most fascinating thing about his painting studio is the ‘Wizard Wall’ featuring hundreds of moving paintings. These Wizard paintings have images of people who move as well as talk to other people. Harry has never revealed how he is able to make such paintings. 

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