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By Joseph Zrnchik for 5th Estate Media Email: [email protected] (Reporter)
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Another Hero Executes Two Cops in Brooklyn and Police Still Don’t Get It

Sunday, December 21, 2014 0:03
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Another Hero Executes Two Cops in Brooklyn and Police Still Don’t Get It




Two police were executed in Brooklyn as part of a revenge killing, and yet not only don’t police get why people want them dead, but neither do judges, prosecutors or politicians.  Moreover, the media attempts to paint this injustice as racism when in fact institutionalized police violence, brutality and injustice is visited equally upon all of us “mundanes”.  The corporate media simply refuses to address the issues or correct the greivances of citizens that have become posted by the thousands on Youtube. 


There is a simple reason why people are killing the police, and it is because the police have become the strong-arm enforcer of a criminal government that provides little justice for which it makes people pay ruinous and extortionist amounts of money.  Not only do police protect criminal rackets established by the political elite using politicians as their bag men, but police, judges and prosecutors have also created a two-tiered system of injustice that engages in ruinous malicious prosecutions based on police perjury stemming from their being tyrants who think they are above the law while denying citizens their constitutional rights.  


There is no hatred more potent than that which comes from an innocent man when a law enforcement agents engage in felonious behavior so that they can charge an innocent person with crimes because their egos are so fragile and their desire to force submission to tyrannical edicts is so powerful that this causes them to lose common sense and act like lying lunatics who then simply fabricate a completely false narrative so unbelieveable that it becomes absurd to any juror with an iota of common sense.  On once occassion I was repeatedly told to, “Shut the _uck up.”, after answering the officers questions the officers had asked as they grew angry that my responses exposed their stupidity and the non-applicability of the crimes they were trying to fabricate.  When I later read the police report they have me as the one using profanity and cursing at them when in fact I had not uttered a single profane word.  Then they lied and said I had been repeatedly told to quiet down.  As I had only spoke to answer their questions and show them they were out of line with their false charges, I never once raised my voice and so never was once told to be quiet.  The police omitted the contents of the entire verbal exchange to hide the facts but claim I was merely sceaming incohently.  I may be a lot of things, but incoherent I am not.   


Many times police not only brutalize innocent people, but they then bring false charges to hide their crimes.  When people refuse to plead guilty to the false charges by police, they then face prosecutors who pile on more false charges.  When a person then becomes the victim of lying police, they not only end up brutalized, but then are imprisoned many times for years.


I know this because I have been the victim of police perjury on four separate occasions.  In every case the prosecutor refused to listen to my side of the story as opposed to the completely bizarre, disjointed, illogical and contradictory story by police.  While my account was consistent with numerous civilian witnesses, the police version of events could not even be corroborated intelligently, logically, legally, chronologically or causally.  Yet, in every instance a boneheaded prosecutor championed the police officers’ lies. 


I was utterly shocked that as a field grade military officer who served in the Military Police Corps and had been on active duty and then later retired, and one who served during Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom, would be victimized by police and prosecutors who would stoop so low as to bear false witness and engage in malicious prosecution and felonious behavior because their egos were so fragile and their self-importance so inflated.


The problems that exist today stem from unaccountability.  Government engages in criminal conduct and then use that very government as the sole arbitor regarding its own criminality.  When you consider that every single law has instituted into it the threat of jail or death for failing to submit to jail, that is bad enough, but when you consider that the government desires to crawl up the asses of every single American, this state of affairs becomes exponentially worse.  Yet, the government refuses to protect Americans’ liberties, refuses to tell the truth, and refuses to allow peaceful assembly and protest so that the truth may be made known, refuses to enforce the laws against criminal police and prosecutors and maintains a two-tiered system of justice that victimizes millions of Americans while excusing the crimes of government partisand and the power elite, then this system has worked to make violent revolution the only other alternative.


On one occasion I took a picture of a car accident in Valparaiso, Indiana.  I was then charged with Disorderly Conduct, Interfering with Law Enforcement and Resisting Law Enforcement.  A jury took the word of two 15-year-old witnesses as opposed to the word of Police Chief Michael Brickner, Deputy Police Chief Richard Spicer, Patrol Captain Michael DeHaven, Corporal Jim Toby, a police evidence technician whose name I forgot and a fireman who would say whatever he was told to protect his job and save the town from a lawsuit.  That a jury would take the word of two 15-year-olds over the word of the entire administration of a police department tells you what credibility these clowns have with the general public.  I was cleared of all false charges after over two years of nonsense by these liars who were allowed to engage in perjuries so nonsensical that they looked like clowns.  Patrol Captain Michael DeHaven then sat and mocked me as he waited for the jury to return what he moronically thought would be a guilty verdict.  When the jury came back with “Innocent” on all counts, he then became furious.  Police Chief Brickner then became infuriated and began issuing threats.  I could only laugh at him thinking how pathetic it was for the Valparaiso Police Chief to sit through a two-day trial as his entire department was not only discredited, but also made to look like an organization of clown cops by two teenagers who were unrehearsed, unscripted and unpretentious.  Corporeal Toby said I was fleeing and had to be pursued while Captian DeHaven said I refused to leave after being repeatedly ordered to do so.  Then when asked why they arrested me initially, they said it was because I became “disorderly”.  But when asked when I became disorderly, these morons said I only became disorderly when I was being arrested  -for a disorderly act they claim had not yet occurred and did not occur until they began arresting me for the act that had not yet occurred.  Then cops wonder not only why people hate them, but also why most people think they are stupid.  If you ever read their police reports, you would find they write not much better than 3rd graders.  After meeting this type of officer, the type that proves to be very representative of most cops, you will realize they they picked the perfect field as they could only function in an environment that provides unaccountability and rewards lies, incompetence and stupidity.


On another occasion I was attempting to ascertain the names of witnesses to an attack of which my son was a victim.  The Schererville Police Department wanted to protect a bar owner and so literally kidnapped me and drove me miles from where I was and then threw me out of the police car.  I had immediately presented my recording device to the police, but the cops then snatched my recorder and deleted the recording.  The Schererville police then lied and said I suddenly pulled it out and they claimed they thought it was a weapon and so had to violently snatch it.  They then claimed they offered me a ride and did not kidnap me.  The six officers began bouncing me around and twisting my arms while refusing to tell me if I was under arrest.  What protected me was the fact that they did not know if the audio could have been recovered and so did not try to falsely charge me.  They ended up settling the tort for a small fee, but I was happy to get anything considering I had represented myself and filed a tort claim using C. Elliot Kessler’s excellent book called “False Arrest and Police Misconduct”.


Lastly, I was falsely charged by the Highland Police Department with Disorderly Conduct.  The officer, Lee Natelborg, who I swear is retarded, lied and said I was cussing so loudly that all the neighbors had come out of their houses.  He told the truth about all the neighbors coming out of their houses, but it was because these little hick town cops who drive a three-mile loop all day, have little else to do and so literally sent their entire police force to a scene involving a domestic dispute.  I was at the house of my son who was going through a divorce, and his wife had obtained a Protective Order on her own instead of through the divorce attorney so she could purposely hide it and obstruct its service so she could spring a trap.


The cops came to the scene and arrested me for Disorderly Conduct for my having to explain to them why they could not charge me with Trespassing, Violating a Protective Order, Disobeying a Police Order, Breaking and Entry, or Burglary.  I obtained the addresses of all the witnesses, and pled innocent to the Disorderly Conduct charge.  The Highland Police Department and the moron Lee Natelborg, along with unethical and incompetent Deputy Prosecutor Edgar Rodriguez, then decided they would all lie on multiple Probable Cause Affidavits and charge me three months later with Battery, Resisting Arrest, Interfering with Law Enforcement along with the initial Disorderly Conduct charge.


When the idiot Lee Natelborg was deposed, he forgot that he signed the Battery charge and stated he did not know anything about a Battery charge even though he was the one who was the arresting officer and signed the Probable Cause Affidavit.  Then the idiot started bragging in his deposition about how he calls them the way he sees them and bragged about how he can not be intimidated, yet when he was asked why he signed another Probable Cause Affidavit charging me with Resisting Arrest, he stated he signed it only because Prosecutor Edgar Rodriguez filled it out and then mailed it to him for him to sign.  It did not matter that this “officer” never mentioned anything about Resisting Arrest or Interfering with Law Enforcement on his initial Police Incident Report, Probable Cause Affidavit or Police Information sheet.  It got even funnier when he forgot his lies about the Battery charge and stated in his deposition, “I don’t know anything about a Battery Charge.” 


This case lasted over 2 ½ years during which time my rights were significantly impacted.  I am now calling all the lying cops and the prosecutor, who I was able to get disqualified, to have to give testimony in an evidentiary hearing since I now have Officer Natelborg having admitted he added charges months later only because Prosecutor Edgar Rodriguez filled out sworn affidavits and sent them to Natelborg for signature.   


In each case I was completely innocent of wrongdoing and exonerated by a jury.  Yet, the cops all know they can lie with impunity and so have gotten lazy due to sucking on the government tit.  They have gotten so lazy that they don’t even have the intelligence to lie competently anymore.  They are incompetent with their lies due to people rarely calling them on it, and given that their incompetence is being subsidized by government, they have gotten extremely good at being incompetent liars. 


In each of these cases the cops engaged in tyranny, lied, abused their office, proffered false charges, committed perjury and proved perfectly willing to bear false witness.  In each of these cases I was exonerated by a jury.  Yet, the police did their worst to try to have me jailed while costing me thousands in legal fees, missed work and lost liberties.


The police have done the same thing to tens of thousands of people and their oppression and tyranny has continued to become more brutal.   Yet, our political elite does nothing because they count on the tyranny of local law enforcement to protect them and allow them to continue perpetrating their crimes.  If every Americans would do what I did, or bravely do what Ismaaiyl Brinsley did, it is assured that police would not be running around making false charges. 


A police spokesman said the officers were targeted for serving the people.  In what manner does police perjury, brutality, tyranny, false witness, misconduct and obstruction of justice serve the people?  How does putting the innocent victims of police criminality away in jail for years serve the people?  All I know is that each time a police officer is now killed I cheer because I know for every dead cop there were dozens of innocent citizens abused, imprisoned or killed by idiots and liars running around in state-issued costumes who thought they could make the law be whatever they wanted or make up false crimes by lying.


If, God willing, this striking back at lying police becomes a national trend, maybe the American people will find a leader who will crush the police state and once again lead the people to liberty instead of their continuing to be victims of a nation that has become a police-prison state, a surveillance-national security state, a torture-assassination state and a warfare-welfare state.


As a retired Army officer I can tell you that anyone who is willing to fight for this nation while it has people like Clinton, Obama, Bush and Cheney in charge, and will fight to defend the types of crimes routinely committed by police, prosecutors and judges that have become endemic and systemic, are fools who deserve to die on a battlefield.  The death of such idiots will mean there will be less police officers procreating and polluting the gene pool regardless of whether these deaths occur on a battlefield or as the result of a patriots beginning the next American Revolution. 


One thing for sure, I have never been threatened by any mob guys or street gangs and I worked in Cabrini Greens and the Robert Taylor Homes for years.  It is amazing that the only criminal threat I have had to repeatedly face is the one caused by police.  I now care not one itoa for any of them as they will all lie and stick together as they care not one iota for the families of their victims as they kill and imprison the innocent. 


The freedom I was told I had defended proved to be illusory.  The police have criminalized explaining yourself, answering their questions, proving your innocence, videotaping them and even taking a picture of a car.  Even if you have committed no crime and are sure you will be exonerated, once you read the police report you will be horrified.


Telling a cop that you broke absolutely no law and that they have no prosecutable case against you suddenly becomes the following police-style false report:


“Suspect was told he was being arrested for Disorderly Conduct and immediately began screaming profanities.  He them became belligerent and boisterous. (Police like to use the term boisterious.) He was told repeatedly to settle down, but instead he became even more threatening and abusive.  While arresting the suspect, he stiffened up his arm (never mind that they were twisting it to breaking point) and so the six officers who were present and armed with guns, mace, and clubs, and while dressed in bullet-proof vests, suddenly became fearful for their lives and so had to disarm the suspect of what turned out to be only a camera.  But as we were subduing him (by beating his face with clubs) we had to shoot him because the suspect continued to resist when he broke an officer’s hand with his jaw.


So, I pray every day for the police to continue to overstep their authority and continue in their brutality, oppression, perjury and tyranny.  As more people are made victim of these types of crimes by police, I am sure there will be more people standing up the way the patriot Ismaaiyl Brinsley did, may God bless him and his soul rest in peace. What neither the police, justice system nor political establishment get is that people are sick of government being involved in every aspect of their lives and being everywhere all the time looking to create crimes so as to prey upon people to satisfy their pathetic egos and their psychotic desire to dominate.  


The courts have become little more than an extortion racket and it is nearly impossible for people to obtain justice due to police perjury and prosecutors who seek to win convctions despite them knowing that a defendant is innocent.  In the instance of the false charges against me, I was forced to miss 15 days of work.  Luckily for me I have a job in which I had accrued  over 100 Sick Days and since I get 13 Sick and Personal business days per year and would now lose them if I did not use them due to having accrued so many, it mattered little to me financially. But since I work with the handicapped children, all the police and court did was deny handicapped children my services.  And while this was my situation, it is not the situation of 99.9% of Americans.  In fact, many of the witnesses who were deposed were furious that they had to miss an hour of work, but this mattered little to the prosecutor.


So, the unaccountibility of police will cause events to run their course.  As the political establishment becomes more corrupt it will allow police to engage in greater amount of tyranny and brutality.  It is the fundamental need of people to have justice that will eventually create the line in the sand that will begin the next revolution.  I not only don’t fear it, I look forward to it and welcome it, as should all patriots.  What true Americans need to me mindful of is the corporate and government propaganda put out that fetishizes the militarized law enforcement under which Americans now suffer.  When an entire squad-level fire team has their automatic assault rifles leveled at unarmed teenagers, you know the role of a peace officer has metastasized into a diseased institution.  If you do believe the usual cop propaganda and lies, see what Detective Frank Serpico still as to say about police in his article, “Police Are Still Out Of Control”.

When you realize the police wanted to put you in prison for nothing but their satisfaction, it makes you hate them with a hatred so strong that all you can have towards them is ill will.  The fact that they would lie to have you be imprisoned makes them little more than kidnappers who would lock you into a cement and iron cage on their own authority for their own sick pleasure.  If someone where to do that to you on their own, you would be totally justified in killing them and nobody would question the morality, legality or justice for such a killing.  So how is it really any different when a cop uses lies to get a third party to do that exact same thing to an innocent man?  Why would killing not be justified in such a case?  So if cops were to fall by the thousands I would not care one iota.  If I had resisted their illegal actions using violence that was justified by being made a victim of their crimes, they would have had no problem killing me without one thought to my wife or children.  I merely now have the same attitude they have.  The difference between them and I is that I committed no crimes and a jury found this to be the truth in both fact and law.


Lastly, and let’s be clear about this, the police are a fiction.  You can not jail “the police”.  So I don’t hate “the police”.  Who I hate are people who wear a state-issued costumes and over-step their authority and commit crimes against the innocent and then hide behind another fiction called “the state” to use its power which comes from others who are paid by my extorted tax dollors to protect the criminality of these lying police.  The state has always and everywhere been a predatory entity whose primary concern is its own existence regardless of truth or justice and often in spite of it.  When people realize this, maybe one day they will wake up and vote libertarian.


Pleae post and link this everywhere!

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Total 17 comments
  • When people show up armed and in peace, peace will be the rule of the day.

  • Did you ever notice that in Utah where militia came out and protested with people during the Occupy Movement that the cops never tried to abuse the citizens?

    They always want to act tough when its 6 armed goons against one unarmed innocent man. Then the cops cry they were in fear for their lives as they beat some poor guy and then create false charges to hide their crimes.

    • Why, soon, here, in the united Fraudulent Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR, the term “Cop-Killer” will be a Badge of Honor for the citizens that FREE US from the violent, hoarding, gang of blue, mostly made up of Caucasian white-skinned males, fat, overweight, and totally violently, psychotic in their displayed behavior ON VIDEO!

      No sympathy what so ever for the PIGS from me!

      It is about time you ubber-VIOLENT local tyrants get put in your place!

      Oh, and EVERY news broadcast should begin with “the predominately christian united states, BOMBED TO DEATH more Bedouins today, for peace”!
      That should be the message from “your” jew-infected main stream media!

      PUT CAMERAS on every on duty PIG in amerika!



  • i get your anti-cop stance,though i think there are many decent cops out there.

    what i don’t get is how you can call this individual a ‘hero’.

    so he shoots an unarmed woman,then creeps up on two men and blows their brains out without them even seeing him.

    if thats your idea of a hero pal, then you can shoove your entire post where the sun don’t shine.

    • Cops are called heros as they commit crimes across the entire nation on a daily basis. This guy’s crimes pale in comparison to what all Americans have to suffer under without having the ability to protect themselves from police brutality and murder, nor from the false charges that accompany police crimes and the establishment that now exists merely to protect and institutionalize their tyranny.

    • 6 cops jump on an unarmed man and choke him to death and we are to call them heroes?

  • :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: Finally and the Clueless Treasonous CRIMINALS IN UNIFORM ARE IN THEIR OWN BRAINWASHED MINDS and they still don’t get it.

    Since these criminals in uniform will do harm to you and your children, remember, they also have spouses and children that will left behind in their home. Imagine if the peaceful citizens of your community visits them and asks if they can stand in the front lines with them; after peacefully explaining their fathers treasonous actions are nothing but acting as Treasonous criminals. Do you think the fathers will harm their very own loved ones and finally put down their weapons, once they see their loved ones in front of them? Remember, this website DOES NOT allow postings that “harm” or “threaten” others. Peaceful usage and what YOU DO is up to you, and the situation, and DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK…

    They also have wives, children, parents, brothers, sisters, etc, so knowing where all these WW2 Criminal Death Squad Officers families live in your VERY OWN neighborhood is ESSENTIAL to get these Treasonous Criminals In Uniform to Stop their Criminal Actions, and Commiting TREASON against it very own Community and citizens. Talk about Modern Day Extreme SS Nazi Criminal Executioners Henchmen and them taking the American Flag and using it as their own PERSONAL TOILET PAPER!

    Do these forces really think they will be going home to their peaceful home after they do harm to their very neighbors/community? Imagine if they take the life of a fellow neighbor. Do they really think that their community will allow them and their family to live in their home peacefully, after they harmed children and citizens? Don’t they understand that their family will be on the receiving end of whatever forces they given to their fellow community members? Do they really think they and their families will live a more “Peaceful” life after they taken up arms against its very neighbors they were sworn to protect? How can their community be safer after they are the REAL criminal gang doing harm to its community?

    The more criminal uniform officers your community can keep from the martial law scene and their Police Dept. will weaken the DC powers over your community. The Feds gave military grade weapons to each small city because these are the VERY FORCES that DC needs to keep their power over the people. If these police officers put their weapons down, all communities will be free from the corrupt DC powers, and power given back to its very people.

    If the Treasonsous Criminal gang is already in force against your community; they do wear ONLY chest protection…but…Imagine if you were bowling with a heavy ball. How many standing Leg Pins would you knock down in one roll? 1 Strike roll knocks down 10 different standing pins = standing leg pins not mobile/walkable = weakening the legs in the game you are playing, so they can no stand anymore.

    Is their anything that these Criminal Treasonous Gangs in police uniforms will not do for money? How will history look at these WW2 SS officers that will surpress its very own citizens, and overthrow our Constitution? They are the very traitors to the US Consitution, and shown they love power more then PROTECTING THEIR LOVED ONES THEY LEFT AT HOME. By them leaving their families alone, the peaceful citizens can go to their very homes and peacefully ask/get them to the front lines, so these treasonous criminal thugs can put down their weapons they chosen to overthrown your nations Freedom. Anything less, they are Enemies against the Freedom State.

    Remember, do no harm to fellow freedom Lovers of any color. Remember that the 1% is trying to make this a race and color issue; which it is not! It is the 99% of all citizens against the 1%! Color has nothing to do with it, as we the people only want our criminal corrupt government illegal laws and bankers/corporations from ruling all of us. Do no harm or damage to your neighbors property, or persons! It needs to go to the treasonous corrupt offices in uniform protecting the DC criminals power over its people! If this clueless agressers going up against the will of the people are traitors to their oath, their country, and that that of all past veterans who lost their lives for our country.


  • Hero of struggle against fascism!

  • Your “hero” might mistake you for a cop….. mooOoOOoo :razz:

  • Bonnie Tyler – I Need a Hero (Lyrics)

  • I love reading a good old fashioned dead cop article. It makes me happy to know a lying raping murdering piece of garbage will never do it again. Even if the piece of garbage cop didn’t rape or murder he/she damn well knows a cop or cops who have and protected them. I never trust anything a cop says. I have zero respect for any and all cops. They have started a war against the American people and I hope they lose big time. Anyone who thinks that cops ”protect and serve” us you better take a look at what our wonderful U.S. Supreme Court ruled.

  • curiouscommentreader

    Someone who executes two members of a party, not directly related to any conflicts i.e police brutality, is not a hero but worse than his targets. The man is worse than the two police officers he killed due to his failure to appropriately target a guilty cop, and his failure to relay his message in a humane manner where he does not repeat what he is protesting i.e excessive and senseless violence.

  • You are calling a COP KILLER a hero??? You are part of the problem pal. Your own sad life depicted above shows your absolute disregard for the law. You look for trouble, well your going to find it! Sure there are bad police officers but there are many more who do a great job 24/7 and just want to go home safe after their shift every day. Get a clue……. :idea:

    • Then they need to stop protecting their criminal counterparts instead of being another cop who lies for their buddies. And, how did I disreard the law? I was right in every aspect and incident which is why I won in court. The people who were the criminals were the police and courts who have no problem instiutionalizing perjury on police reports, in sworn affidavits, during depositions and in testimony. A jury determined I committed no crime. The jurors knew the cops committed perjury and were bearing false witness, but the legal establishment in the form of judges and prosecutors now encourage perjury. It is only because most people have common sense when hearing police lies I ws found innocent because he police lies have become so outrageous. You may not mind being a victim of law enforcement, but I would rather they all be killed them having me be made their victim when I am COMPLETELY inoocent as both a matter of fact and law. It is only through their lies about fact and law that i was ever charged. Justice will only be served when police are held personally responsible for their crimes and have to serve the amount of time that they tried to wrongly inflict upon the innocent. Right now my enemy’s enemy is my friend.

  • Murderers are not heroes, whether they wear saggy pants or blue uniforms. They are weak minded individuals .

  • If a Muslim kills someone who is holding a gun to my head and lies and uses the color of law to enagage in tyranny, oppression, kidnapping, wrongful imprisonment, torture and murder, he is my friend. I have never been a victim of Muslims, but I have police who have tried to repeatedly make me an innocent victim. Maybe when the U.S quits invading Muslim countries under false pretenses it will find it has less problems. Many of the killings by Muslims result because they too are tired of being innocent victims. And don’t bring up 9/11 because if the U.S> governmet was not a criminal racket it would have invaded Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 terrorists came from instead of killing a million innocent Iraqis. because the U.S. lied and decided to destroy a country instead of invading Saudi Arabia, I hope the U.S. is defeated in Iraq. I have no love for any oppressor or aggressor regardless of what uniform they wear. The ones wearing US uniforms currently work for a fascist and criminal government and deserve what they get for being so gullible as to believe Bush, Clinton and Obama’s lies.

    • I was watching a TV article with my mom present , they were interviewing a cop. The reporter asked the cop if it bothered him when others called him a pig. He replied “No. I take it as a complimentary acronym. Pride, Integrity, and Guts”.
      My mom snorted and said, “if you had any of those traits you wouldn’t be a cop!”
      This was about thirty years ago.
      You can imagine how she feels these days. :wink:

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