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Any military intelligence officer will tell you that even the smallest thing could mark the coming of a major event. There is a video going viral that should concern every American who hopes to retain any remnant of the Constitution, including the hope of legally retaining ownership over a gun. Ultimately, the presence of UN personnel in the manner in which we see in the following video, should be disturbing to even the most unaware American.
Why is this UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania getting gas? For what possible reason would the UN be operating inside the United States? I have been sent this video a half a dozen times in the past 24 hours. Many Americans see this for exactly what it is.
Take a look at this video as a very aware and alert citizen confronts and United Nations Multinational Force Observer.
I took this sighting of the UN Multinational Force Observer in Pennsylvania to my best sources. They were of the presence of this organization operating within the United States. They told me that this UN personnel are here to “observe” during an United Nations “Police Action” on American soil. The purpose will be solely to impose undeclared martial law and to confiscate American guns.
I have reported, for years, that foreign troops were operating on US soil. Now, we are getting operational specifics.
Foreign occupation forces are training and will be training to overrun this country in a martial law scenario. Why foreign troops? Because American troops might not be able to be counted upon to carry out the orders of subjugation that will come down from this globalist inspired banker-hijacked administration
This past October over 36,000 troops from more than 30 countries participated what NATO calls its largest exercise in over a decade and the exercise is called “TRIDENT JUNCTURE”.
Trident Juncture came in under the cover of darkness and was obscured by Jade Helm 15. The following video emerged last summer.
The United Nations has no business being rural Pennsylvania or downtown Dallas. We are not under martial law. We have not suffered an invasion or a civil war. Or, are we about to experience one or more of these things. Is the the chest pain before the heart attack?
The above photo of Kerry signing the UN Small Arms Treaty reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s infamous quote about having “peace in our time” after he signed the Munich Accords with Hitler just prior to World War II. Inside of these “accords” contained the seeds for World War II. Inside this UN treaty lies the destruction of American culture and society as we have known it.
Not only does the Obama administration plan to disarm the people of America, they are systematically disarming the military as well while, at the same time, beefing up the foreign troop presence on United States soil.
As UN vehicles continue to deploy into the United States, we are witnessing the systematic disarming of the American Military. DAHBOO 777 first published the following account of the American military disarming itself by putting what everyone thought was excess military equipment into mothballs at underground munitions storage areas such as the one featured below at the Red River facility. The reason that it is quite clear that this is a disarming is that if a rapid deployment of this equipment were ever needed in time of war, the grid lock that would result at a facility like this or any other storage facility constructed in this manner, would prevent the timely and proper deployment of men and equipment.
Merry Christmas from the UN The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty took effect on last Christmas Eve. Even though the theory has very little chance of being ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, Second Amendment advocates are concerned that the Obama administration will use a United Nations treaty as a basis for executive action on gun control as well they should be. Still, others feel that this leftist gun control treaty becomes binding international law and any Executive Action by Obama would merely be an endorsement of our nation’s contractual obligation to support the UN ban on guns. Enough countries around the world have ratified it so the gun control treaty will now be enforced.
The founders included the words “shall not be infringed” for a reason. And they gave YOU the power to fight against any tyrannical government that would try to take your rights away.
• Article 2 of the treaty defines the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions. The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms Trade Treaty.
• Article 3 places the “ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2” within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.
• Article 4 places all “parts and components” of weapons within the scheme.
• Perhaps the most egregious threat to the rights of gun owners in the Arms Trade Treaty is found in Article 5. Under the title of “General Implementation,” Article 5 mandates that all countries participating in the treaty “shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.” This list should “apply the provisions of this Treaty to the broadest range of conventional arms.”
• Article 12 adds to the record-keeping requirement, mandating that the list include “the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms,” as well as the identity of the “end users” of these items.
I would remind the reader that gun confiscation is not an end unto itself. It is a means to an end. For when the people are finally disarmed, the banking mafia that runs this country can have their way with this country with very little opposition. In the words of Jesus, we would be well-advised to never be without our swords (i.e. guns).
LoL! Good luck! No one will want that job after the first few days.
What job are you talking about?
Talking about the fact that most gun owner would rather die than have their guns taken away! And that’s exactly how it would go, good luck taking their guns. American citizens out number the military there will be a full scale revolution if it’s attempted. I mean it worked out for Australia but America is nothing alike.
UN War Crimes and the NATO Templar Swastika Exposed:
By ‘Chatzefratz’:
The enemy of the people is within, both foreign and domestic.
The NATO Logo Is A Rebranded Swastika:
Stop all the Wars by stopping the enemy within.
what a dick breath you really are, UN Troops are made up with American’s too, your low IQ must be your down fall in society
most American’s have small dicks so they go and buy a gun to make them feel better
Tell that to the a hole who shot up California .
Considering America is a melting pot of people from all over the world with ancestry the same I will assume you’re just plain retarded and you’re not just taking a shot at the Native Americans we have left!
They are also surrounded ethnic groups (who do not – legally – obtain guns) but still manage a murder and violent crime rate of 14 to 30 higher than the average American.
Don’t pay attention to The Seer, he is the one with a little cock. He just tucks it and tapes so he can pretend to be a pretty little girl while teasing his backside. So he doesn’t feel like he’s doing anything wrong, he ridicules others telling them they have small dicks, boosting his own ego. Typical foreign know-it-all thinking they know what’s best for our country.
Wow seer!!! You should come to my part of the country (dick size wize). I feel pretty blessed to be here. Fremont county Colorado shout out here!!
LMAO! Would you like to test your theory, Honey? To be honest, you couldn’t handle either one. ; )
no worries srsly1 i dont listen to government paid trolls .
I like my ancestors believe in freedom .even if it takes my own life .
You sound like you know that first hand.
Taking the guns.
@Tedd, The job of being the ones attempting to kick in the doors to raid gun owners. The UN will have a difficult time keeping those positions filled with a high death rate. Perhaps all the leftist megalomaniacs will volunteer since they want our guns so bad.
so true .
The agenda continues on unabated……
DAbooDoodoo, good source..hahaha That putz is where your source??
I suspect that the true purpose of gun confiscation is to leave non-muslims unprotected before the islamic takeover.
What does the UN think we are lazy, dumb, sheep-like Europeans? Europeans allowed themselves to be disarmed, but the US will never disarm! If Obummy want’s a fight we will give him one. There will be thousands of dead “blue helmeters” spread across the “fluted plains.”
you got that right, and a red river of their blood will flow. i really do not think that they have thought this thru, HEYA???
you got that right, and a red river of their blood will flow. i really do not think that they have thought this thru, HEYA??? perhaps they dont have the brains it takes to think at all?
What are you talking about? Americans are the fattest laziest pigs on the planet!!!
do your home work numb nuts , UN Troops are made up with American’s too, your low IQ must be your down fall in society
If an Americans would follow UN orders to shoot other Americans, then it doesn’t matter, but if he refuses and joins our side then he won’t be harmed by us, rather by the UN troops. Architect of Truth, The Americans you are talking about must live where you are located because that is not the case where I live. Rural America is their biggest problem and we know our areas way better than they do and we are way more fit than anyone because we are constantly on the go outdoors doing the things we came here to do. I WOULD RATHER FIGHT TO THE DEATH THEN TO EVER LIVE THE WAY THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR US. NO THANKS……….THEY ARE PEDOPHILES, SATANISTS, AND SEXUAL PERVERTS, SO NO WAY THEY WILL SURVIVE HERE.
Its a suicide mission if they decide to do this, since we know about the drones and we know how to bring them down.
I actually agree with you that there are SOME people who will refuse and fight,but the majority live in cities and towns and when their door gets booted and houses searched because they refused, that will be the end of it.I understand that some people who live where its possible to dig underground bunkers,weapon stashes etc,it will be different, but you will be the minority my friend. Most people are all mouth and want an easy life,they will give their guns up,no problem.
amen to that .
Sorry to point this out “lusignan” but since the DummyyCrat, marxist, Socialist, & 95%+ of dark skinned voters were stupid enough to elect a Muslim, POTUS candidate who was born in Kenya that is exactly what people in the USA are sheeple. Even though there are come people that honor the 2nd amendment I doubt many are prepared to risk their lives fighting to retain their firearms. I think God should help inspire us to resolve to invite UN or US Gov’t terrorists to take prompt dirtnaps if they try to break into our homes.
Your complete ignorance is showing and that is why we are in the pickle we are in. First of all, Obama is A DUAL ISRAELI CITIZEN ON HIS MOTHERS SIDE OF THE FAMILY AND WAS RAISED BY HIS ISRAELI GRANDFATHER FROM THE TIME HE WAS 11.
not all of them mate . thy just think thy did .
We now have conformation the communist Red Chinese are merging and training with NATO forces, and will be working in conjunction with all federal agencies operating illegally on American soil. The people are the enemy of tyranny.
Let’s get ready to party like its 1776!
watch out for backup form the white north . us Canadians know how to party .
We hear ya brother northener. We’re on our toes here now, ready to spring.
history proves we dont go down without a fight . we will back up our brothers in arms . 100%
They can not pay these guys enough to be in America with a rifle behind every blade of grass. Open season, no bag limits and hang the traitors when we are done.
this is why china don’t need to invade you lot will kill each other just like north and south in your country years ago once WW3 Comes all the small dick people will come out with their guns and kill each other
Wow, you really have an affection for small penises!
Please, do tell us how this mental ailment of yours first started to appear.
Seriously! Maybe his wife cheated on him with a small dicked American so he is just extremely bitter?
You cease to amaze people, >Prime example Of Freudian Penis Envy. My Gosh AmeriKanish Folks, Alert, Alert
Alert-We got a live one here.
What we have here is a Failure to communicate!!!!!
So you wanna talk bad, and nasty about The Amerikanish, with your Blanket statement!, WOA? Oh Yeah _ Mate, you want to twirl in the out back in your pink TuTu, no one wants any part of that, this is not a dating site.
You want to hang around like a Bird on a Wire, because you do not know your EndStinks tells you to fly south.
Comrade, you may want to rethink yourself, Since your Country is so much better than Amerikanish you must be embarrassed by your Country, You never mention it by Name
…again referring to small dicks. Please see my last comment about you. Every time I read something from you, it has a reference to a small dick. Hmm…me thinks you like small dicks.
I tell the truth am not in to conspiracy, look at your own history remember your country spitting on your troops coming back from Vietnam well the world don’t forget remember north and south killing each other well the world don’t forget remember how everything was white only and blacks could not do the same well the world don’t forget , Americans are arrogant and the whole world knows it
and history will repeat its self and you lot will kill each other so deal with it
“Americans are arrogant”
Yes, a great many are arrogant. But it’s not just the small dicked with guns. Some of us are totally dickless……but we have the ability to defend ourselves instead of waiting on cops with sticks. That bugs you doesn’t it? You wish everyone were as defenseless as you.
Yes…the North and South fought. Yes the white man held the brown and black man down….
However, we have moved well beyond those days (except for Pinkie).
It’s not how badly you screw things up that counts. It’s how well you recover from those mistakes that matter.
Where did you say you were from again?
@ Seer, You cannot comprehend what rural American life is like. If you live where I do, you would have guns also. If it were not for my guns I own, I would not be here now in this discussion. I do not live in a locked building as a tenant renting a apartment or townhouse. I live way out in the country where if you call the police, they may get here 30 minutes to an hour. Crime is everywhere, even way out here. Most of the criminals have guns and are more likely to use them here where gun shots are overlooked. I run into all kinds and the worst are fleeing felons desperate to kill you, take your stuff to pawn for money and drive your vehicle into Mexico. Twice I have ran into fleeing felons who tried to kill me. The next on the worst list is drug addicts who will walk right into your home over your dead body and simply take everything, even the lumber and brick right out of your home to sell in order to feed their habit. It is not a easy life here but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
A bit of advice: Before bashing Americans, Gun Owners and our Constitutional Rights come here to America and try walking in our shoes for once. Live among us, Your attitude will change if you do.
@ CrowPie, Excellent Post! Don’t ever change! Semper Fi
Right back at cha’. You did an excellent job of describing rural living.
I’m a country girl, myself. Thank you for your service.
“Yes…the North and South fought. Yes the white man held the brown and black man down….”
You sound like you want to kill the white men. Negroes have never changed then. So sad….
Your a retard.
I’m certain CrowPie is an equal opportunity hater, Pinkster, and makes no distinction when it comes to colour. You should hear her go off when she’s reminded that men and women were not created equal.
Oh yeah she also thinks she’s the resident medical expert but she sure got humiliated in this thread…
It’s called humor. A common reaction to an unfortunate name being attached to a new disease.
Calling people a “retard” is funny to you?
If you say so, CrowPie, but i’ll disagree all the same.
Nope….being developmentally disabled is not funny. But then I never said it was. I did call Pinky a retard. Because he is in fact mentally retarded in his views.
But then that is not what I was referring too when I referenced humor. Your being deliberately obtuse for those who would not click your link.
Again….your twisting words…’s a habit you indulge all too often.
You called Pink-Slime a retard, i called you on it, you said it was humour and when i called you on that you claim your comment relates to a different thread.
And i’m twisting words! Pfft, idiot.
amen .
amen brother . we will raise hell .
XD this is so fun!~ i see this article as a advert for guns, you know the people that own the media, also own the gun companies, and are selling guns like nobodys business, i dont see no comments aboot “ooo i caint me no shootin stick” infact, they have FLOODED der usa mit guns, THEN! THE UN!!! um yes, if you have any friends who are like PMC dudes or something, ya know mercs? (xD mercs are funny 80% of mercenary casualty’s are due to OTHER mercs on the same team xD they just shoot each other in the pub and stuff, its hilarious!) ask them about the UN and how they need rescue from PMC’s on like EVERY SINGLE mission xD THEN! you have the US army, who has to shoot 250 000 rounds to kill one sand negger xD wayne, my neighbor, who used to do professional hunting in zambia, now “works” in the sudan, because he rekons hunting skinnys is 100x times easier than chasin after buck xD THEN! you have the MAHDI as president xD
so WHO KNOWS how many mohammedans you have, which i have not met yet, but me bros who shoot them for $ say they hilarious, so im watching from my point of view, and well, its quite a mix! the question is, why they flooding your country with guns, yet threatening to take them away, it looks like a mad sales promo to me, i wonder if they know they secret i know? im prettty sure they do, its in the ancient scrolls, like, how come in atlantis, they had “fire weapons” and “death staffs” and then after their cataclysm, no boomsticks till only 9th century, then they find it again, we missing big chunks of history, what if, what if, there were cycles,where the physics is slightly different, maybe 0.000000000001% difference, (a lot if you know anything about dark matter fine tuning) where for say 3600 years gunpowder explodes, and then 3600 years gunpowder fizzles uselessly, hmmm that would be interesting, hypothetically.
“the great equalizer” taken away. what a thought.
so the edomites make their shekels, and on we go, go ask yer local gunshop hows sales?
people see this gun grab thing, and BUY A GUNS! PLURAL! oooweeee someones laughing, well, the mahdi is laughing. guns xD
185 000 IN ONE DAY! on 1 black fridaY! xD $$$KA CHING$$$ THE SHEKELS THE SHEKELS! xD GUns ! guns! i just go HMMMMMMMMM
You’ve hit the nail on the head..One of the many tasks of Alex Jones(and other counter intelligence sites) is to push the FAKE ‘gun grab’ story!! There are more guns being sold in the US than EVER before!! Why would the government allow this if they were going to have to track them all down,and then confiscate them.?IT MAKES NO SENSE!! It’s almost like the’re TRYING to sell more
oh it is not fake mate . i seen it first hand .
Nancy Ruth Owens is the Obama birth certificate (PAPER) forger.
Google [[Nancy+Ruth+Owens+Obama+Birth+Certificate+Forgery]]
I hope Un enjoys the nice tastes of hot lead . From millions and millions and millions of USA people . I wish them luck . Thay will need it .
If those A holes think they can get our guns, they will get the bullits first. If you think the first American revolution was bloody, you haven’t seen anything yet. I know for a cact, my Marine brothers won’t fire on American citizens. They WILL fire on the invaders, UN, etc. And we will overcome. A lot of heads will roll.
it will make 1776 look like a good day in wonderland .
Are the elite planning on taking America down? Was the negro appointed to do this. To be the inept “yes” man? Nobody knows who the negro is.
Could it be that simple to take America down?
Whatever it is I believe it will just lead to a very NASTY Civil War. The legacy of the Negroes in America.
Pink Slime-Yes, to your first three questions. This is why the Founding Fathers gave the American people the right to keep and bear arms. Even in 1776 the Founding Fathers knew this because that was the year that the modern day Illuminati was established.
The American press is one of the most censored presses on earth, only surpassed by Africa´s press in my humble opinion because the powers-that-be want to control every facet of American´s lives. But I think that they have met their match with the issue of keeping arms because it is my feeling that nothing will cause Americans to give up their God given right.
Arlene Johnson
To access my e-zine, click on the icon that says Magazine.
George Washington was no dumb azz .
They may try it … but if/when they start, it will set off the largest blood-bath this county (perhaps the world) has ever seen. It will not be a pretty thing. Let it be noted and clearly understood that if it starts … THEY started it.
This fear mongering is just plain BS. Anyone with half a normal brain could realize that the UN doesn’t have the manpower to confiscate guns here in the US. Logistically impossible. One it three people own firearms. Yes, that’s over 100 million people! It would require at least a million people to carry out this order. Then, they all cannot be confiscated at the same time, so after it happens in one town, the rest of the US will hear about it and either hide their guns or start a war. Isn’t going to happen.
Exactly!! It’s funny how many of the people involved in pushing this FAKE gun grab story,are also involved in the manufacturing and sales of small arms in America.Why can’t people see this,its so obvious!!
Matters not who tries to take them, nor why they try to take them, nor how they try to take them, for the price will be so enormous that the effort will be considered not only a disaster, but foolish.
Gee, we’re really worried about that. In fact I doubt they’d be dumb enough to actually try it. If so, bring it, and find out.
i hear that .
Do you really think they care if you slaughter UN troops, you can bet their counting on it, wanting it even praying for it, and if it turns out you run and hide with your guns they will kill them their selves and blame you and if Americans are stupid enough to come for your guns, well it not your fault you have to shoot them, it’s your duty.
I agree these people need to wake the f$$%^ck up
Citizen Operation “Blazing Grass” soon to get underway. Inspired by Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto during WWII when an invasion of the U.S. by Japan was being considered, the Admiral expressed the futility of such a move when he stated that….”there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” Unfortunately, Americans are unaware of the Big Picture. The sun failed to achieve maximum during its last cycle which should have been headline news. We are now 3 years into a Grand Solar Minima which will culminate in another Ice Age or at least a mini-Ice Age. Coincidentally, a mini-ice age occurred during the American Revolution . Along with plunging temperatures Grand Solar Minimas are followed by a dramatic increase in seismic and volcanic activity, crop failures, famine and plagues. There will be a mass exodus from northern latitudes where increasingly bitter winters will make life there unbearable. When one or more of the super volcanoes around the globe erupts (Yellowstone), already diminished solar radiation reaching earth’s surface due to the Grand Minima, vast amounts of particulates will be spewed into the atmosphere further reducing heat from the sun. This will result in a sudden drop in temperatures and another ice age could be upon us with great rapidity. The PTB are well aware of this imminent scenario and created global terrorism as a cover to gain control over the masses before they realize the bigger picture now already in progress. Given the incontrovertible evidence; solar hibernation, increased seismic and volcanic activity, surviving gun confiscation will only be the beginning of our challenges. If that were not enough to chill you to the bone, Grand Solar Minimas are also associated with increased numbers of comets and asteroids entering the inner solar system that will menace the planet. An End Times, apocalyptic era is upon us and the PTB are moving rapidly to bring humanity under control before it realizes the true severity of the impending situation.
Keeping your guns will be important for more than just fighting off an oppressive government. It will make the difference between life and death when nature deals a lethal blow to all of humanity.
It appears that aerosol operations (Chemtrails) are actually being carried-out by the PTB not to address phony anthropogenic global warming, but instead are designed to ward of the consequences of the Grand Solar Minima now three years in progress. Grand Solar Minimas are precursors to a mini-ice age. Russian scientist are well aware we are entering another mini or full blown ice age which is why Vladimir Putin went to such great lengths to maintain control over the Ukraine. During the last mini-ice age, the Ukraine was the only area in Russia where wheat could be grown resulting it being dubbed “Russia’s Bread Basket”. Certain undeniable facts must be taken into consideration concerning the inevitability of another mini-ice age: the sun failed to reach maximum during its last cycle and there has been a dramatic increase in seismic and volcanic activity. These are the irrefutable signatures of a Grand Solar Minima and the extreme frigid conditions which follow.
Is it true Dave that you like it up the backside while your whale of a wife watches? That’s pimpin, FosheezY!
The only way they take the guns is if the American people can be brain washed into giving them up. That will not happen right now. To many gun owners and to many people that would rather die than live in bondage. Old age sucks and you are better off dying fighting for freedom.
Give them the bullets first…..
Once these idiots realize the ramification of taking away an American’s firearms they’ll quickly lose passion for it…
Notice the U.N. Observer also has a Handicap Placard on his dash Board. There is also what looks to be a Military sticker or possibly a sticker (decal) for a Defense Wpns Project next to it on the dash.? Any interprising individuals out there with the ability to see who that Handicap Placard is registered to, or from what State) or able to ID that Military looking Sticker or Patch? If this guy is on Disability he could be breaking the Law by working for the UN (even volunteering and displaying an ability to work) and if he is in the Military or working with a Defense Contractor he could also be violating Federal Law.