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BE VERY AFRAID! – Supreme Court Green Lights Detention of Americans

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 18:42
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(Before It's News)

By Voice Of Reason






Right about now, you ought to be scared to death.

Obama claims he will develop “An Appropriate Legal Regime” to permanently detain people PRIOR to having committed any crime.

The idea of these detentions would be to prevent any individual from committing a FUTURE crime.

Obama even goes as far as to say he might detain someone up to TEN YEARS before they MIGHT commit a crime. 

Aren’t you glad they passed the NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT? Be sure to check out:

Effectively, the way Obama skirts AROUND the Constitution (which we all know he is a professional at) is by having the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Sections 1021 and 1022, authorize indefinite military detention, WITHOUT CHARGE or WITHOUT TRIAL, any person, including an American citizen, and applies the “Laws of War,” to U.S. soil, making the United States legally a BATTLEFIELD.


Want the REAL dirt on the National Defense Authorization Act? It REMOVES ALL of your rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights EXCEPT the 2nd Amendment, and you know how hard he’s trying to get rid of that. The ARMY can come for you at 3am if they want, collect you, throw you in a hole, not tell anyone where you are, and never charge you with anything.

Sounds safe given Obama’s track record right? For more information and an in depth explanation of the act that is ALREADY law, I suggest the video below. You might be a bit more motivated to attend OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING ON MAY 16th IN WASHINGTON D.C. 

Any thoughts you may have about this not being Constitutional, try not to forget what Supreme Court Justice Scalia said a month or so ago: SUPREME COURT JUSTICE SCALIA: “YOU ARE KIDDING YOURSELF IF YOU THINK INTERNMENT CAMPS COULD NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.”






Obama explains the FEMA Camps

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Obama explains the FEMA Camps – FULL VERSION



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Total 20 comments
  • Not sure how these things pass, if there is even 1 lawful person voting they would be screaming their heads off regardless of the conseuences to every American in the country.

    • The lawmakers are threatened, blackmailed, and bought off.

      And some of them are just ‘low info’ politicians.

      Stupid don’t fix itself. And, neither does threatened, blackmailed, or bought off politicians.

  • I was wondering when I would be reading another “WAKE UP PEOPLE! FEMA CAMPS are ReAl” article. It’s been at least 14 hours since somebody posted one.

    • Well put Equalizer.

  • People should not fear their government. Governments should fear their people.

    If it has come to this, bring it. It won’t end well for any involved.

    • BE VERY AFRAID. Good advice to the despots who have brought this upon themselves. There will be no quarter.

  • We have a spirit of: Power,Love and Sound Mind. :) :idea:
    The enemy is already defeated. Christ brusises satans head :!:
    BAAM :!: Right in the kisser… :idea:

    • darn no edit button: *bruises

    • what i would like to know is why have they given u negative marks? They cry and moan about how bad things have gone, and when someone like you say their is hope, they give u negative remarks!!! Indeed you are so right!, Soon Jesus WILL set the matter right, and strike satan in the head! Along with this He will cleanse the earth, and bring it back too parasidic conditions. If you dont believe in the power of the True God Jehovah, and his son Jesus, mention their Holy names too a satanist. Their is Tremendous Power in those names! BTW I saw a sign on a church the other day that said ( Merry Christmas to al u christians, happy Hannakah to those who are Jewish, happy believers whoever u may be, and GOOD LUCK to those of you who dont believe in God). LOL Its coming and its gonna get bloody soon im sorry to say. But rest aassured ( their is hope ) Gods Kingdom is coming fast and evil wil be gone :)

  • James Smith

    Legal to date, is a not true, that is a false statement. The criminal illegal alien subud muslim punkass obama has zero authority to make laws. Mr. criminal combative enemy obama is 100% null and void. The congress and the house are in fact criminally complicit treasonous combative enemy null and void traitors too, and they should all be arrested right now, period. All of you blatant filthy NDAA treasonous traitor punkasses are going to be arrested, very soon, watch…. /alternative/2014/08/america-is-under-attack-and-the-american-people-know-it-too-3015792.html

  • “be very afraid!!!” seriously? shame on you.

    • why not, “be very aware” “take notice” “important info” “must see”? stuff like that, without the suggestion for others to be in a state of fear? just sayin…..

  • mitch51

    I live in a better town than you guys. No FEMA camp, no killer asteroids, no volcanoes, no huge sun quakes, no abominable snowmen, and people are going back to work. I feel sorry for all you guys in the FEMA camps, though.

    • Wow, where do you live, fantasy land? Send me the coordinates please, I’m movin’!!!

    • According to all these FEMA camp location maps, I already live in a FEMA camp. So let me tell you what it’s like here. I have tv, internet, and can watch movies whenever I want. My captors still allow me to drive and i can own firearms. It’s not too bad here, I don’t mind it. I still have sex on a regular basis and order take-out whenever I want. Life is pretty good at this FEMA camp.

      • because you can’t see the bars, doesn’t mean you’re free……

    • Haha Mitch, i’m right here with ya, brutha.

  • I represent America she was raised down in Brook Lynn… Mooo…. :lol:

  • Let’s be clear, the supreme court is nothing more than a private for profit corporate fiction, as evidence below

    You’ll notice under the contact address the following information.
    “US Supreme Court A privately held company in Washington, DC”

  • NONE of “this” happens without complete cooperation from the REPUBLICAN PARTY which sits in and controls every single House and Senate controlling Committee. It is a simplistic, moronic mind that can convince itself that black is white and up is down. I’ll tell you who needs to “wake up” and that’s the idiot who believes the Republican Party represents their interest. IF the world goes to hell in the next few years, it won’t be stumbling bumbling Obama that is the cause of your grief…it will be that smirking, nod and a wink, friend to the billionaire multinational Republican politician that sold your dumb ass down the river.

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