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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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GOP Manifesto: ‘Not a Dime’ for BO Amnesty -Sessions Reveals Plan to Defend ‘Scorned & Mocked’ Americans

Tuesday, January 13, 2015 12:15
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Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama


Bob Unruh / WND

At the end of 2014, President Obama boasted that the year was the strongest for job growth in the U.S. since the 1990s and “businesses” have added 11 million new jobs over 57 months, and the Washington Post’s “The Fix” fact-checker concluded his statements mostly were true.

But unmentioned by Obama was another federal report concluding that all net employment gains since the Obama recession have gone to foreign workers while 1.5 million fewer U.S.-born Americans have jobs now. The report is cited by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., in a plan he is delivering to GOP members of Congress to restore Washington’s representation to Americans, to whom its loyalty should be directed.

“While the media celebrates the recent jobs numbers, little-noticed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics was nowhere to be seen in the big papers or the nightly news,” he said in his new “Immigration Handbook for The New Republican Majority.”

He described it as a memo for Republican members prepared for the upcoming GOP retreat.

“So too has it been absent from the official broadcasts of the Republican Party. Yet the finding was remarkable: according to the BLS, all net employment gains since the recession have gone to foreign workers while 1.5 million fewer U.S.-born Americans hold today than did then – despite the total population of U.S.-born adults increasing by 11 million over that same time.”

He continued: “On no issue is there a greater separation between the everyday citizen and the political elite than on the issue of immigration. For decades, the American people have begged and pleaded for a just and lawful system of immigration that serves their interests – but their demands are refused. For years, Americans have been scorned and mocked by the elite denizens of Washington and Wall Street for having legitimate concerns about how uncontrolled immigration impacts their jobs, wages, schools, hospitals, police departments, and communities, but those who do the mocking are often ensconced behind gated compounds, guarded private schools, chauffeured SUVs, and fenced-off estates.”

Read more at WND:

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  • Cool, sounds like something is going right at least. It’s a rare thing to happen now a days.

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