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Both Senator Harry Reid (Dirty Harry) and Secretary of State John Kerry have recently had their faces re-arranged. It has something to do with the Land Theft of the Bundy Land in Nevada, and the murder of an Ambassador named Christopher Stevens.
Dirty Harry claimed he fell of an Exercise machine, although he has a Broken Face Bone, 5 Cracked Ribs and a bruised left leg and sprained ankle – - – yea – he fell off of a Rowing Machine?
John Kerry ran into a Door Knob, right?
(((Please pray that those who would do Humans harm or harm planet Earth become violently sick when within 1 Million Miles of Planet Earth. Please also pray that all their Mechanical Toys break when within 1 million miles of Planet Earth)))
Harry Reid is about to have another stroke (SO is Nancy Pe’lousey’) and John Kerry is about to run into a whole lot more doors unless they stop their evil killing and thievery, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. The Red Dragon Family has ZERO patients.
GOD directed you both what to do, you though you were so High and Might you could ignore the Living GOD, and now you will pay. HE has spoken, so it shall be.
As a side note – Nancy Pelosi just plain smells bad and has terrible bad breath.
So here is what these Freaks are planning. Apparently you did not hit wither of them hard enough. Put me in a room with these Cowardly Freaks:
1) Watch the Swiss – they have all Banking Codes and are padding their accounts ever so slightly.
2) Red Dragon Family – you were told what to do by GOD, you are too high and mighty to listen, so the Rothchilds have been given permission by GOD to double cross you at every instance. Stupid is as Stupid Does.
3) School shooting False Flag heavily published 11 Feb 2015. It will be fake but look real, again along with a Fake Mall Shooting in Atlanta – but the time frame on this is weak. Too much interference here in Tacoma – sorry.You disobey GOD, I stay in Tacoma, you get sketchy info.
4) Four highly publicised school shooting this year planned by the CIA/Rothchilds.
5) April/May GOD will hit the US West Coast with earthquakes all up and down the coast.
6) Japan will begin rolling to the right eve so slowly beginning around Mid Year 2015.
7) US will begin to interfere in Chinese Politics next month in a strong way. They did not do as GOD directed to the Chinese Red Dragon Family will be vulnerable to bribes and double crosses.
8) Riots – the CIA is planning to bring forth many White Cops shooting Blacks all over the nation so Paid Agitators like AL Sharpton (A Real Jerk) will be used to stir up riots by mid-summer and the rounding up of Dissident Black should begin by September.Jessee Jackson has become lazy and also had a stroke – so he is now ineffective. A side effect of all the drugs he is currently using.
9) April – forces loyal to the Traitor Obama will begin interfering with food distribution for fun.
10) By June the US Republic will be touted as coming on line – it will be a lie. A Republic means no property taxes and that is not happening therefor the Republic is a complete lie and General Ham is a fake.
We shall see. I get a bad feeling about this “New Republic.”
As long as the Red Dragon Family ignores GOD – they will be double crossed at every level, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
11) The US Submarine Fleet will begin to sabotage Chinese Tankers headed East just south of NAHA (Okinawa). The US will be sitting at the bottom of a large ledge and test a New Weapon that allows frequencies to be transmitted thousands of feet through the water. The ships will literally begin to tear apart – the structure of the metal will dissolve.There will be no survivors.
Chinese Trade Ships should avoid deep trenches or face being sunk as a test.
12) Old Man Rothchilds drinks a Tan Colored Liquid with alcohol in it and just had a Minor Stroke. He is not long for this world and I hold the key to his longevity. When he dies he must then face GOD.
13) Violence agianst cops is up 24% over last year. Already within a month 4 New York Cops have been shot. This will accelerate this year.
CIA – runs druhgs into America to build underground bases. They use Buffalo Airlines and the USAF – and use bases like Mina Arkansas (Bill Clinton ring a bell?) to bring in these drugs They are all tagged with the Verichip.
FBI – Runs the Fusion Centers to distribute these drugs. They also give away hundreds of thousands of pistols to the Drug Guns to run these drugs.
Local Police – ensure the drugs sell.
Police – Policy Enforcer. Except they run drugs.
14) The US DOD is planning a Carrier Attack off of Yemen for June but may move it up to March. The Carl Vincent looks like it will be hit and a propeller will be damaged and a Shaft bent, along with a hole ion the side of the carrier. A different carrier maybe substituted – but I see a freshly rebuilt carrier with a Bird Mascot.
It is all set up by the DOD. The US wants war in Yemen/Oman to seize their wealth to extend their empire a little longer. Blood for money.
15) US Corporate Carriers need to be rebuilt to handle refugees considering what US Corporate Made, and Natural disasters, are coming. These are the only ships (Along with the 200 US Corporate Submarines) they will be able to get in and out considering the severity of the coming storms.
16) Eight years ago I flew with a guy who was going to the Ukraine to look for oil. He told me the oil in that region was all dries up. Dirty Harry Reid sent his son in not to extract more oil but to push Benzene into the Ground Water (Fracking) to kill Ukrainians.
GOD calls it murder.
Fracking is a type of Murder – this is the real reason oil prices dropped – to stop the Murders put forth by the Rockefellars world wide for no reason other than to destroy the Earth and murder it’s people.
This is why Oil Prices have fallen – to stop the murders.
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Dr William B. Mount