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▶ PARIS FALSE FLAG EXPOSED: Clues, Motives & The Surrendering PATSY – YouTube
Could the terror attack in Paris be the latest in a long line of state sponsored false flag events?
Was this pay back for France daring to suggest to the world that Palestine be recognised by as a state?
Why were the roads so quiet just after rush hour in central Paris?
Why did we not see the 3rd suspect in any of the images?
Why is there no blood when the police officer is assassinated?
And then finally, the pasty emerges….
And all this at a time when anti-muslim feelings begin to run deep in Europe..
Tune in to this comprehensive breakdown of the shooting at the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris
_Kev Baker Show
it is a clear case of wag the dog ………………pedophile political scandals here in the USA , France going rogue and wanting to end Russian sanctions and sell them their war ships .
it aint rocket science folks , the powers that be are running scared and getting stupid in their mistakes.
I repeat this because it screams fraud to me.
What strikes me OD apart from the lack of blood is, the shot should have sent his head in a violent jerk to his right, but instead he just gently lays down, I don’t know nothing about gun impacts put common sense tells me this don’t add up.
All this is for TPTB to maintain control as Sick said they are running scared. There is going to be an increase in these kinds of events all over. Also U. N. Small Arms Treaty was just placed in to effect in Dec. Just sit back and watch it unfold. Times are very interesting right now.
LMAO, a dislike, this must mean I’m wrong and a speeding bullet has no impact power.
I would have been happy for you to explain my error as I’m always willing to learn but your dislike without a comment has left me none the wiser.
Don’t worry about it Morgawr, It happens to everyone on this site at least daily. Go check out the other related article on this site. You’ll see a pattern. I’ll up you though
The elite is out of control. It doesn’t matter if its conspiracy or not. The U.S. debt is up to, what now, FOUR TRILLION (I don’t really know if this is the proper term for U.S. Currency anymore) dollars? The Eurozone is on its way up to the stratosphere as well. The ‘gun-grab’ in the U.S. is still very much (slowly, but surely) under way. Most of the European governments have already succeeded in disarming their populations.
While most other ‘conspiracy-theories’ can’t be proven true, but if even half of them have even a modicum of truth…the implications are simply infuriating.
For the people of France. No, the people of the world.
I have many questions, but only one is pertinent.
Voulez-vous rester avec moi?
America is targeting France now because France exposed the potential nuclear attack of which American was going to execute but was going to blame on Russia. This happened on 18 December 2014…. well done France for exposing the Americans!
Just as America began to target Russia soon after Putin used diplomacy in early 2014 to squelch John Kerry’s determination to bomb Syria, and upstaging both Obama and Kerry so sublimely… Right. Quite possible. But as Alice said… ‘How can you be sure?’
She also said, things are getting curiouser and curiouser…
Today prompted by a friend, I watched the video of the 2 armed assailants executing the police officer, allegedly using Kalashnikovs and shooting him directly in the head..
Can someone please explain to me, why there was NO blood? Then, physics demands that a reaction like a direct shot from a powerful rifle means a head jerks back with the bullet.. remember JFK? How did this officer manage to just ‘lie down’?
Did anyone else notice how calmly the officer awaited the killers? I mean, if 2 guys were rushing me with Kalashnikovs.. I think I’d make a bigger effort to at least ROLL out of harms way.. this man appeared to be stage acting..
Please excuse me, but is this deja vu all over again?..
2 dangerous heavily armed men, BROTHERS, native born sons of foreign parents, inflict highly emotional killing and harm innocent civilians, wind up having a veritable swat army sent out after them,.. what does this remind you of?
Does the Boston Marathon come to mind…?
I do think people were killed, but something is wrong with the full picture.
What are we being trained to believe from this?
I do appreciate the comments in this video.. yes, people need to learn to NOT take things at face value.
Today I wondered to myself if this was ‘staged’ by any intelligence agencies.. then I turned on the radio and heard Rush Limbaugh laughing at the idea of some ‘idiots’ that the Paris attack was staged.. which served to confirm for me, that, yes,.. it was.